Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 403: : Perspective

Where do you know that the number of people who are much smaller, seems to be not equal to them, is only a short distance from the west, and then back to the northwest, along the end of the rocky beach, where a lot of stone forests are hired after a little adjustment Soldiers wear jungle camouflage and hats to shoot together.

If there were no shells from the sky, only two heavy machine guns were used as a cover shot by the mercenary team. They found that their mercenaries began to hang up and hang up constantly, while the other side seemed to have only a few people hang up, nearly 100 people in occupation. The mercenary team actually does not have a second-rate mercenary team with very few people, which is a shameful shame.

The mercenary offensive with the hood is getting hotter and hotter. The heavy machine gun for the cover shot has been replaced once (the barrel is too hot). Jerry’s mercenary team obviously feels that the pressure has suddenly increased a lot, more than half after the ammunition has gone. At the time, Ouyang Lanlan felt a little distressed. Xie Chen was just wasting ammunition and snoring directly because Karl, who was not far from Li Liang, looked ugly and was still vomiting. Xie Chen actually made a lot of short films. Fired, but all the empty artillery did not kill a mercenary with a hat. This strange stinky gun was a destroyed gun. The gun was still taken from him. Because some people worried about the reputation of Xie Chen's killing machine, Carl fell into In the predicament of holding a gun in Song Xiao's little hand, some of the confusion in his heart is like a strange throat.

Xie Chen didn’t care what Carl thought. Jerry didn’t say anything. How Carl expressed his dissatisfaction with Xie Chen and ignored it because Jerry did not forget the sudden loss of control of the two trucks. The American girl who did not agree to cooperate in overcoming difficulties had to be the same. A few capable people control, the mercenaries have nothing, Xie Chen seems to be doing something very well, taking real mercenaries as the target of mobile training.

In fact, from another perspective, Xie Chen did not take these mercenaries seriously. As long as Xie Chen creates bizarre ball lightning, it is not worth mentioning 100 mercenaries. Jerry is very personal. Experience, Xie Chen should wait, wait for those hiding in secret places to be intolerable, rush out to clarify things clearly, only the camera can solve those capable, the 21st mercenary team can escape the birth of this day, don’t look at Xie Chen It seems that he is a small person who does not enter the small stream. In fact, this is the wisdom of ordinary people, and his ability to respond on the spot is strong.

Xie Chen hit the **** of the rifle in the shoulder, and the remaining bullets were in the magazine. After hanging up empty, Xie Chen smashed the sling of the tactical vest onto a magazine full of bullets. After changing the speed, the empty pendant is unlocked. The country will raise the bullet, but Xie Chen will not continue to pull the trigger, but will adjust the speed to the safe position, leaning on the stone,

In the woods, there were two bullets flying around in the mercenary team, wood fragments flying around, heavy machine gun bullets hitting hard rocks, and many rocks in the holes, and at the same time a low and dull sound The voice came, it was a fierce moment of battle. It is rare to hear Ouyang Lanlan and Sandy shooting long shots, because a hundred drums have been completed and the drums have been thrown away. Now Ouyang Lanlan and Sandy gave the assault rifle a translucent magazine with 30 bullets in it. It's a bit less, and it's a short shot and single shot. The noise seemed more deserted than before. ..


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