Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 477: :detailed explanation

"Everyone continues to attack, looking for opportunities, Xie Chen is fine." Endless continues to inspire people, no matter whether he and Xie Chen are full of hostility, now everyone's life and death are tied together, and he has no reason not to save Xie Chen.

The Hulk took Xie Chen to the front of Rena, then turned to join the battle. The current situation is based on him. As long as he can successfully tighten the vaccine into the BOSS within 19 minutes, everyone can be saved, so everyone can work hard. So he must work harder.

Lingna observed Xie Chen carefully and found that Xie Chen didn't have any scars, but her eyes were closed and her eyebrows wrinkled. She was trembling all the time.

Lingnai shook her head helplessly. She knew that Xie Chen was in the middle of the death gaze of the BOSS skill. Xie Chen has told everyone about the skills of BOSS before, but BOSS has never used it in battle. Rainus knew very well that at this time, except for Xie Chen himself, no one else could help him.

"Captain, there must be no problem." Lingna murmured, and began to support the other selected people.

Xie Chen’s feeling is that no one will know that when he sees that in the blink of an eye, the scene around his body has changed, like the wonderful dizziness passed into the game world or to Hope Island, and the hint of Xie Chen’s I also heard the system in my mind.

"Try Xie Chen, you passed the mission smoothly, and now you are transferred to the final mission location."

Is the task completed? what happened? The final task? I remember that Seidler was not dead. what is the problem? Xie Chen looked at his hand and asked in his heart: "System, what happened? The task is completed, what about the others? What is this? Isn't it Hope Island? Hong Yinbao? Gaochuan? Rena? Where are you?" A series of questions have not been answered. Xie Chen has seen the surrounding scenery. He is standing under a high-rise building. There is a striking red cross sign upstairs. There are also exciting tall buildings around. This is obviously a hospital. Xie Chen was very surprised why he appeared in the hospital. Instead of Hope Island, what about the others? How is your own team? "The mission is in progress. This is the last mission... Mission description... No!" There are some intermittent instructions in the system. This is the first time this has happened.

"What? What happened? Give me a detailed explanation! Anyone, where are you?" asked Xie Chen, the system wouldn't say anything.

Xie Chen raised his head and looked around. His sight finally stayed in the two-story building not far away. Now this is an important day, and many people in the hospital can't see it.

When Xie Chen's gaze was fixed at the doorway of the two-story building not far from the opposite side, the fierce and intense pain in his heart almost made Xie Chen unable to scream.

Xie Chen only felt that everything around him was swinging from side to side. His thoughts have a familiar feeling for everything in front of him. He is very familiar with it. It is this familiarity that makes him headache.

This pain did not last long. When the intense pain subsided, Xie Chen sweated, just like coming out of a sauna. He walked slowly towards the two floors, and he felt that there was a secret he must know.

On the two opposite doors, the red word "Jing" is written. Xie Chen pushed one of them and walked in.

There is a long passage in front of the room, and there are rooms on both sides of the passage. There is a clear hanging sign on the top of each room door, which says...morgue 1...morgue 8. ..


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