Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 480: :good habits


Xie Chen's body was shocked. He lowered his head and looked at Xueyi in his arms with a strange smile. She holds a knife in her hand. At this moment, she was sinking into her chest. The bright red blood flows continuously and appears white. The flyer was dyed red, Xie Chen clearly felt his vitality was passing quickly, and in just a few seconds, it had dropped to 150 points.

Xie Chen still held the snow-proof outfit, and suddenly smiled: "Do you want me to be blind? I know Snowcoat will not start from me, but I want to thank you for allowing me to discover myself, Sed. Le!"

"Okay? When did you find out?" The man who should have been shot by Xie Chenxi stood up again at this moment, and he stood behind Xie Chen.

"Because I can't see your face!" Regardless of his vitality, Xie Chen continued to leave, and then said: "When I retrieve my memory, I understand your skills. When I rushed in, I found that I could not To your face... Sedler, if I think this is right, your skills should be the most painful, regrettable, regrettable, most memorable moment, then lose. And kill it. "

"But, my memory is deeply imprinted in my mind. Thank you, I can retrieve this memory. I should thank you."

"You, your life is passing, once your life is zero, you really die, don't you worry?" Saidler asked curiously. "Worried?" Xie Chen's hand was still stroking Xueyi's hair, but there was no expression on Xueyi's face at this moment. "Why should I worry? This is my memory. Everything is based on my own consciousness. It can be said that this is my place. Why should I worry?"

When Xie Chen's words turned around, he turned his head and listened to a black shadow behind him: "This is you, Seidler's leader. It is not a good habit to monitor other people's hearts!"

"Ah!" The snow boots suddenly shouted: "Spring, you, is this what I do? How can I, no, I want to erase your memory, it's not like this..."

Wu Xuehuai Xueyi's face became flustered, she said she was at a loss, she looked like her, as if it had just happened.

"Damn it, how could this happen, I'm not under my control, no one can escape my death gaze, this is impossible...Ah!" The shadow behind Xie Chen roared very painfully , A little blue flame appeared around the shadow, and the black shadow burned in a short time.

Xie Chen's vitality also stopped declining. His vitality finally settled at 12 o'clock. If he died here, Xie Chen might have died.

"Xue, you have a good rest, I have to go. If I can live, I will go to you, I will, rest assured, I am fine, because I have new hope." Xie Chen did not say it, just alive. After hitting the so-called gods at the end, learning art and being with everyone, I got rid of this sinful world.

" are too strange, but forget it, that's how you see it. It's too shameful...hey? What happened to my body seems to be disappearing," Xueyi Looking at his body, there was a faint golden light on the body, and the whole body gradually became transparent. "Forget about it, it's good too...I think if I know all this, I won't make me regret it, I never want to be separated from you again... warm......"

Leaving the last sentence, the learning body completely disappeared, and the surrounding environment gradually changed, becoming darker and darker until the last darkness. ..


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