Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 503: :Organized

"Then watch a video." The deputy quickly operated the tablet, and soon began to play the video on the screen. Looking at the camera's angle, it was also taken by a reconnaissance plane at a low altitude. The first photo appeared at the sixth reactor. The camera slowly scanned the reactor and the surrounding area.

Although this video is silent, with the dialogue between the two drone operators, the conversation was more relaxed and casual at first.

"It's okay to fly a little lower."

You are great, you are better at it.

"We have been studying for a few days, and we should be more advanced.

Don't talk about that guy, it's a pity, this is the reputation of the school.

The video was quiet for a while, and the footage that did not capture any valuable targets was finally locked in a group of corpses. It can be seen more clearly in the video. They withdrew from the No. 6 reactor in droves.

"What are these guys doing?" The two operators started their conversation again.

"I don't know, where is that big man? It keeps us staring at that big man."

"Did you see... hiding it?"

When the camera slowly followed the group of people leaving the No. 6 reactor, and then slowly extended outwards, an operator shouted: "Okay! That's a big guy!"

"Yes," he said. "In the operator's conversation, there is a shadow that is larger than the other black spots and is particularly eye-catching." Then the camera zooms in and you can see that it moves very slowly.

"What is that guy doing?" The operator's voice was full of surprise. Another voice trembled and said: "This is a corpse! It is finally confirmed, it is a corpse! But it... is it beating another corpse?"

Shocked by the two operators, the big man who could see the limbs in the middle of the photo bumped one end of his ordinary funeral corpse to the ground, and then he stood up with a black branch that looked like his feet.

Although there is no background sound in the video, Zheng Zi still seems to be able to hear the roar of the dead. The corpse in the screen is tearing at each other with his claws and teeth.

But its peers are at a great disadvantage. Every corpse in the No. 6 reactor has faced several attacks from the main control center. In the simplest and most direct physical battle, the number of comparisons directly determines the direction of the war, and that big guy is really a headache. After the two groups of corpses maintained a balance of power, they finally poured out a group of corpses in the main control center. When they arrived at the scene, the dead group of the sixth reactor could not resist and was forced to retreat.

The big man broke up alone and shielded his companion from the battlefield. A group of people in the main control center obviously had a lot of trouble with this, so he returned to the main control center without anyone following.

After the drone's camera was locked in this area for a long time, an operator suddenly shouted: "Report to the general!"

"Yes Yes…….

"It has been recorded, and send it to the technical department."

The video is here.

Zheng Zike only felt that his hair was straight and every hair was split. He killed countless people, and all kinds of corpses he had seen were choked to death, but there were two groups of corpses in the melee, including a huge deformed one. The body, the people on several floors, they all participated, and they couldn't even accept it.

This is especially true for ordinary people. The general calmed down and the sound of opening his mouth was a bit abnormal. "Mr. Ye, have you ever seen zombies attack each other before? Moreover, in the video, zombie attacks are clearly organized."


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