Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 535: : Why do you want me

What's even stranger is that this guy changed into a uniform. Compared with the last time he was at the base, his uniform was neat and tidy this time, with a lot of trivial qualities reduced, and he also showed some English.

This is obviously Fan Mingqian's contribution.

"That's it, Mr. Ye." Mr. Yan could not sit down, but would start to talk directly about the issue. "There is no problem with evacuation," he said. However, the firepower is afraid of being attacked by us after exposure, and the speed of advance is very slow. There are still ten kilometers away from the base, so we have at least enough time to evacuate all key technical personnel. "

"Well," Xie Chen heard it and couldn't help asking: "Where are the recruits? There are many of them. They can't let so many people out by helicopter? Are they leaving?"

Yan Shao shook his head and said, "No, I decided to let them stay at the base and not leave. After the fire arrived, they directly surrendered."

"What?" Xie Chen exclaimed in surprise, unbelievable. A thousand people, all surrender?

"Yes," said Yan, with a heavy sigh: "If we leave on foot, we may be chased by the firefighters, from the base across the river to Hongyan Town, even though we have cleaned up all the corpses along the way, "He said, but it's still too dangerous for these recruits. "

Xie Chen was silent and didn't speak anymore. Yan Shao had a good meal and then explained. "This is the case of the evacuees, he said. He looked at Ren Likui and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Ren has created a more efficient command and communication system for us. The control leaf sequence of drones and military robots has been modified. These systems cannot be used by fire forces, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable. He said: "We need to destroy a lot of information and destroy the system when we leave." Ren's phyllodes, our electronic warfare personnel cannot destroy or destroy it. " Xie Chen looked at Ren Lengjie in surprise, but the man quietly looked out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

"This is our negligence," Mr. Yan said. "Before we send Mr. Ren to settle down, he should receive enough training to let our electronic warfare personnel fully master Mr. Ren's system," he said. But Mr. Ren was too difficult to get along with. My subordinates just wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible. No one thought of it and told me about it, and I didn't take it into consideration. "

Xie Chen could only smile. He could imagine the person in charge of electronic warfare and communications command in Shaozu sending Ren Lizhi away.

"So now we can only ask Mr. Ren for help, risk returning to the base once, help us shut down, destroy our command and communication systems, and destroy confidential information that should be destroyed," said Yan Ming.

Xie Chen sighed and remembered that Shao would only be shot-Li, Ren Le and him clashed, but looked at Mr. Ren and said, "Aren't Mr. Ren willing to go? Then I can't force myself..."

"No," Mr. Yan quickly waved his hand and said, "Mr. Ren has many measures. I am grateful that he did not seize this opportunity to retaliate against me." "As soon as he heard my request, he agreed without hesitation. , Put on your uniform immediately. But, Mr. Ren, tell it yourself."

"Ah, ah, ah, yes," said Ren thinking about something, with a heart, stood up from his seat and looked at Xie Chen, "I can go, but it was beaten, and I I don't want to die unless Mr. Ye protects me."

When Xie Chen heard this unexpected request, he was surprised and confused. He scratched your head and said, "Xiaowei, why do you want me to go?..


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