Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 540: : Take it again

"That's great," Xie Chen said, somewhat relaxed. "Does the other party still refuse to speak?"

"Yes," said Yan who was about to laugh. "I don't know if I am as brave as a mouse."

Xie Chen also smiled, "It seems that they are also very empty."

"That's for sure," Major General Yan said coldly. "They cannot bear the consequences."

Mr. Yan's words messed up Xie Chen's mind. He didn't know how to interface for a while, and the helicopter pilot's voice echoed in the cabin again: "Gentlemen, we are going to land, please get ready."

Xie Chen looked from the outboard. He had reached the sky above the military base. He said to the communicator: "General, I have landed. If there is any problem, I will report it to you."

"Well, please," Major General Yan said calmly.

As a result, the helicopter took away three people, Xie Chenke, and slowly landed on the tarmac.

Before the situation stabilized, Xie Chenke opened the hatch and jumped out. Before I could observe the situation at the base, I heard a familiar voice, "Sir, you really came."

"Xie Chen." An uncontrollable smile appeared on the face at the helm, leading the Raiden Second Team members to run from the edge of the apron to his deputy captain Hua: "How about here?"

Zheng Zike ran to Xie Chenke, standing with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry," Xie Chen said awkwardly, "what's left?"

"Defensive base. If the defensive team does not complete the evacuation mission when entering the base, we will try to delay as much as possible. I will use the second team as a reserve team," Lieutenant Hua said. "Suddenly he stood up again and saluted us." Sir Ho?

"Don't worry," He Hujing who came to Ye Ze hurriedly walked over and looked around. "Where is my second child?"

"The third task force is in the military hospital, the fourth force..." He introduced with a smile. At this difficult moment, two commanders came under his hand, which was great for the morale of all the players. Encouraged by him, Lieutenant Hua also expressed courtesy to Ren Lizhi when explaining the arrangements of the team members. When he climbed down from the helicopter, he looked at the whole place absent-mindedly. He hadn't done it yet. Xie Chen heard it. The low rumbling sound from the entrance of the base was like a galloping train, and in an instant, it flew to his head.

With an ominous voice, Ye Zuke jumped up, "What..."

"Bombardment--" Lieutenant Hua's story stopped suddenly and shouted, but the crowd did not move. A shell hit the guest house not far from Zheng Zi.

With a dizzy roar, the second floor of the guest house collapsed in a corner.

The crowd was dumbfounded over the guest house, slowly rising, as the smoke rained down sand and debris, and then exposed large pieces of twisted steel and concrete.

"Do they have a gun?" Ye Xian recovered his body, enduring the buzzing in his ears, and asked with a dry throat.

Lieutenant Hua was very excited, and his voice seemed a little vague: "It seems so, what should I do now, sir?"

"Report to Xie Chen first," he was about to start speaking when suddenly he took off his bulletproof helmet and stretched it over Zheng Zi's head. "Sir, since the traitor has a gun, you must wear a helmet! You cannot stay here, you must find cover!"

The other two soldiers also took off their helmets and handed them to him and Ren Lehui. Zheng Zijie was about to say no and said sincerely: "Sir, put it on, otherwise it will be very dangerous, we can take it again..."..


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