Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 570: : The bait of pain

Another reason why Bronze Hammer Lee was sent to the patrol was to prevent the Horde from sneaking into the rear of the Alliance from the slope. I didn't expect them to meet Xie Chen halfway through.

Looking at the steep valley and the smooth mirror-like **** not far from here, Tong Hammer Li Yan said with a pair of big eyes: "It turns out that your secret mission is to sneak into the tribe here. This is a trick."

Xie Chen could not hear clearly and asked, "What did you say?"

"I said, since you plan to attack from here, hurry up, you must have a way through the mirror!"

Xie Chen didn't take it back: "Who told you we are going to attack the tribe..."

Tong Hammer Li thought for a while and said, "What are you doing? Is it difficult to build an arrow tower here? Then I can help, but I can't say anything else. The craftsmanship I made didn't blow..."

Xie Chen was really speechless to this confident guy. He just ignored him and nodded to everyone: "Go ahead!"

Soon, except Xie Chen and Zimeng, everyone came to the valley. It was difficult for them to climb with the power of ordinary people!

"You have to climb up, God, that's impossible, no one can do it!" Tong Hammer Li saw everyone's actions and shouted in surprise.

Xie Chen looked at Tong Hammer Li helplessly: "It's loud!"


"Repeat what you just said, louder, this will help our mission!" "Oh, I understand," Tong Hammer Li took a deep breath and shouted: "You must climb up, God, this is not Possibly, no one can do it! I just said that?" "No, the last sentence, keep shouting, the louder the better!"

" have to climb up, god..."

The dwarf's voice was very loud and was screaming loudly at this moment. Xie Chen, who was very close, felt numb. The impact of the sound soon appeared, and soon after, a pair of orc soldiers appeared at the top of the valley.

The number of soldiers in this pair is about fifty or sixty. One of the orcs wearing fine armor and looking at the armor lowered his head and immediately found someone climbing the valley. He suddenly shouted: "The enemy's attack, the enemy's attack, notify the lord!"

The orc shouted, and then ran back, fifty or sixty soldiers followed him, disappearing to the top of the valley in the blink of an eye!

Everyone is climbing, looking at me, I looking at you, they are helpless.

The initial plan was to let the tribe see them climb up, at least let the tribe think they wanted to sneak in this way, and then the tribe attacked, everyone took the opportunity to retreat and try to attract the tribe.

I didn't expect this group of tribes to be very interesting. When I see them return to the report for the first time, I will report in the report. Generally speaking, I will find someone. Others must do something, at least to prevent the enemy from continuing to climb. Can these tribes go all the way? Collective report?

Xie Chen's eyes twitched a little. He even suspects that the IQ of these orcs is as high as 4 years old...

Everyone who climbed the mountain climbed to see him. Xie Chen shrugged and said, "No way, continue climbing, they should come back soon, at least they must pretend to look like..."

It is not easy to climb a flat valley. If it is a cool breeze, it is just a crime. Even if everyone has the ability to climb to the top of the valley, it takes at least half a day when the human body is tired. The person facing must be the siege of the tribe...

"Climb!" the pony said helplessly. A dry person continues to be a painful bait. ..


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