Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 581: : Belongs to the alliance!

When the tribe saw that the long-range attack had no effect, everything was in a hurry. The content is nothing more than an alliance idiot as timid as a mouse. They dare not go out in a hurry. They can only rely on the power of a tree, and they are rushed out by excited Alliance soldiers so that the tower can maximize its effectiveness.

In this regard, the Union soldiers basically dismissed it, and some even looked back: "This is stupid than going out! You are frogs!"

However, not all Alliance fighters agree with this practice of using big trees as shields. One of the dwarves shouted to the commander: "We are unnecessary warriors. They should rush out. How can we rely on the king of the forest for meat? Shield! Do you want the Horde to laugh at us? As incompetent weak?"

Francis hadn't spoken yet, Xie Chen first said: "That dwarf warrior, please take the lead to demonstrate to you."

Seeing Xie Chen's deep gestures, the dwarf moved in first, and then smiled: "Hahahaha, why don't you dare to hurry up! Kill..."

The dwarf really rushed out. He is a hunter. The weapon is a rifle. Unfortunately, he just rushed out. When he shot, he was hit by an overwhelming arrow rain. Not even the slogan was completed. .

Tonghammer Li blew his beard and blinked: "This is a guy with no IQ. Even if I'm not that good, I will be ashamed of the dwarf!"

Some selected people turned around, and this guy actually picked up someone else's IQ.

In the case of dwarves, no one will mention rush. In fact, to be fearless and to move forward bravely, these things can only be screamed in adversity, to do this, you can only do it during economic prosperity. People laughed.

With the super small shield of the forest king, the main force of the alliance soon rushed to the vicinity of the front base. Except for some people who were attacked by the other side tower, the combat effectiveness was basically intact.

Francis' eyes flashed, and the long sword pointed at the front line of the tribe: "Warrior, hurry, kill those green frogs, victory belongs to the alliance!"


Following the slogan, a large number of coalition soldiers rushed out from behind the forest king, rushed to the Qianmen base on the other side, and soon caught fire with the defensive tribe.

There are not many tribal guards. At best, there are only two hundred people. However, these soldiers stood well and blocked the small front door. If they want to really influx, it seems that they must be completely destroyed.

Xie Chen and his fifty-two team did not attack immediately. At this moment, Xie Chen whispered something in front of Revelal, who immediately closed his eyes.

Soon, the king of the forest turned and walked forward, rushing to the side of the tower.

"Master Francis, I will give it to you here. We and the Lord of the Forest will destroy the **** guard tower! Otherwise it will be difficult for us to move forward!"

Francis thought about it. There are more than 400 people in his hands. There is no problem with a tribe of 200 people. The terrain in front of this base is limited, and big trees cannot play a big role. After all, this guy is moving forward. The attack by the other side was blocked, but the same rear alliance attack was also blocked.

"Please!" "Don't worry, victory belongs to the alliance!"

After that, Xie Chen and his people followed the big tree to the tower. As for the other selected people, they rushed to the front.

This is the first distribution achieved. The reputation of destroying the tower is not low, but most selected people are more inclined to kill the opponent's base commander, and the commander level here is that of a major warrior. ..


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