Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 596: : Endless chill

At the same time, a strange air current followed these tornadoes, and it blended into the body of the strong man on the side of the Ghost Mist Temple, as if it had become the blood of the body. At this time, the energy of the super ghost and the fog temple is condensed into a stream of air. It is as if all the strong have become powerful existence after another, condensing one after another. The ability to directly collect the power of the strong is quite amazing.

This is a very powerful combination. The leaders of the first two superpowers, Emperor Zog and King of Skulls, all released such powerful formations at this time.

Actually, not because these two powerful men are at the same depth, but because they carry a very powerful treasure! Compared with the swallow's blood knife, the most powerful piece of the two battlefields is even higher than the hearse of the emperor's entire family.

However, it belongs to the first dynasty and Guiwu Temple. The super power of this dynasty and Guiwu Temple naturally attached great importance to this first war. The strong people who participated in the first war were not very important to a super power. But air transportation is very important.

Therefore, whether it is the Lord or the Lord of the Fog, they will do everything at all costs. Such treasures will be lent to the commander on their side, or the other party is the same, then there is only one way to slaughter.

"Bang!" said Emperor Jun in purple armor, his eyes were full of **** expressions at this time, and he looked like a king wearing a skull. As for the authority in the temple, it is also a terrible smile.

"Are you ready to face the endless chill?

"A thousand days of ice, time and space are frozen!" A thousand days of ice, time and space are frozen!

This is Qin Shihuang. With the middle position of the emperor in his peak period, he has mastered the most powerful skills of the upper superpower in the war. This is extremely terrifying. He once shocked the Quartet with absolutely devastating horror skills!

In the past 300 years ago. The emperor was surrounded by a strong man on the top of the seven gods in the ghost mist and mist temple. The emperor was very angry with the cold weather and time froze. Completely frozen by countless colds, three of the strongest seven gods in the Temple of Heaven died directly. The rest was also a heavy blow. In the end, they were all killed by the King of Jordan without a lifetime!

This terrifying power enabled the emperor to be among the top three largest and most powerful kings, and also made the emperor stronger than the head king.

How powerful is the freezing of time and space! Moreover, at this time, the emperor said that it was not just his own power, but the attack!

"!" "!" "!" "!" "!" "It flies very fast, but it is not a proud and strong man, it is a surging energy. An energy directly from the strong side of God and the king He flew over from there. After the huge ice cubes under the feet of these strong people, he flew towards the mighty Prince of Jordan. He stood in the sky, and the energy gathered in the emperor’s body. The emperor’s body was glowing. It was discovered that even the soul had to be frozen directly, and the eyes were completely cold. This was a terrible surprise. A series of dark blue horror lights just came out of the emperor’s body and turned into a sharp ice cream. They came In front of countless strong men in the Ghost Wist Temple...


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