Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 602: : Not simple

I can already see in my sight, there is a very long chain bridge not far in front. I didn't expect that the Hongan Temple suddenly increased after the bridge was on the bridge, and the speed was at least twice as fast as before.

Xie Chen frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, he gave Beyonita a bottle of low-level invisibility potion and said, "Beyonita, I will stop him first, you are waiting for an opportunity to take action in secret." This low-level invisible potion has Refra. You's alchemy formula, Xie Chen can make it himself, but the high-level invisibility potion is much more complicated, at least the materials are rare, so now the players can only use the low-level.


Xie Chen accelerated directly, without taking the invisible potion, and directly accelerated and rushed forward. Xie Chen, running at full capacity, is like a lion catching prey, and has rushed to the bridge in just a few seconds. When the driver of a passing vehicle saw this scene, he was stunned, causing the car to hit the fire hydrant on the side, and the fountain immediately skyrocketed.

This movement obviously alarmed Hongan Temple. He looked back at Xie Chen, his expression was not nervous or scared, but with a trace of fanaticism. That's right, it's like the believer saw **** and the monk saw the Buddha.

The bridge slowly rose from the middle at this moment, and the alarm sounded rhythmically. Not far away, a cruise ship was approaching slowly, obviously that cruise ship was the reason for the bridge's rise.

None of this affects Xie Chen, who is fully pursuing the goal. He saw the Hongan Temple jump directly at the highest point of the bridge, and suddenly jumped to the opposite side of the bridge. At this moment, the bridge has completely risen from the middle, and the distance between the two sides is at least 20 meters. Even Xie Chen had to admire the other's amazing jumping ability.

After the Hongan Temple landed, he turned his head and glanced at Xie Chen, who was standing on the other side, with a scornful smile. Even if the guardian is a distance of more than 20 meters, it is difficult to jump across under normal circumstances. Honganji obviously thought that he was safe, but his smile lasted for more than two seconds before he stopped suddenly, his face changed drastically.

Because he saw that Xie Chen hadn't even run up, he just leaped forward slightly, and this action would definitely fall on the cruise ship below if there were no accidents. But Xie Chen in the air suddenly disappeared, replaced by a small black aircraft...It was the Wilderness.

This is not the first time Xie Chen has done this kind of thing. Once in the Castlevania world, Xie Chen used the Wilderness to fly over the cliff before entering the Castlevania. Although he dare not use the Wilderness to fly for a long time, the short distance is not a problem. .

This is only seen in Hongan Temple. What he couldn't see was a black bird slowly flying towards him in the air. Although the height is getting lower and lower, the cruise ship has slowly descended from the rear deck. This is also a question of pinning the bird around.

After returning to the wilderness in the air, Xie Chen fell to the ground in an extremely calm squatting position. The powerful effect is that the huge bridge deck is a bit shocking.

After a moment of confrontation with Hongan Temple, I found that the other party did not intend to retreat. There was a trace of doubt in Xie Chen's heart.

He wore a blue monk's suit with a Zen bag on his chest with a large letter "Buddha" written on it, and he wore a hat. The stick behind was a sharp shovel, which looked like one that often appeared on TV. Common wandering. Deaf. But Xie Chen knew that this monk was not simple.

Yuanyuan Temple opened first. He whispered a Buddhist proverb: "Xie Chen Shizhu, obsessed with obscurity, will regret it. If you are willing to convert to Buddhism and practice, the Bodhisattva will forgive you."

Magic resistance

After this, Xie Chenxian stayed for a while. He really couldn't remember the other party's words and convinced him to convert to Buddhism.

"Monk, do you know who I hate most?"

"Oh, I don't know how to become poor."

Xie Chen's mouth was a glimpse: "This is a great stick!"

With a low voice, Xie Chen rushed into a thunderous posture, creating a few dazzling arcs of light in the air.

"If you are obsessed with obscurity, you will be bound by the Scorpio, the Great Bodhisattva, and the Peacock King!" Hongan Temple will not panic. After putting the palms together, pushing the left hand forward slightly, a dazzling yellow band of about ten square meters appeared on the top of the head. A faint light fell on him, as if there was a light yellow rain in the air, and the rain only flooded him.

Skill Peacock Ming Wang Method (Professional Exclusive): Summon the power of Kong Ming Wang to protect his personnel. Within 1 minute, magic resistance increases by 70 points and heals most of the control skills, consumes 50 magic points, 4 spirits, cools down for 3 minutes, skills can be upgraded, evaluation: B.

Hongan Temple is clear and clear. The man in front of him is good at close combat and uses the same weapons, but what makes him really scary is accidental magical damage. The magical resistance of Hongan Temple is as high as 75 points, making it 145 points. In other words, magic attacks below level 150 are almost ineffective.

"Improve magic resistance?" The reconnaissance clearly conveyed the opponent's skill information. Xie Chen's offense did not decrease, but he turned the reduced posture into excitement. He continued to shoot during the progress. The bullet is also an ordinary B-class bullet. Nothing, Xie Chen wants to know the opponent's defense. How powerful.

Puff! Bullets hit Hongyan Temple in succession, but they were immediately deported. Although there was no feedback on reconnaissance, Xie Chen relied on experience to judge his opponent's defense at least 100 points. This is a bad enemy.

clang! The Zen stick was holding Xie Chen's gun and knife, and the Temple of Vows read out the Buddha's number again: "The Big Bodhisattva in the Eight Diagrams, the Soul Eater!"

The end of the Zen pole changed in an instant, forming a huge sharp blade, faintly carrying a black air flow onto Xie Chen's legs.

To Xie Chen's surprise, he found that he could not dodge at all, and he blindly looked at the wound on his leg. Pain came immediately, it was the pain in the soul.

After being hit by the Hongyan Temple, Xie Chen found that his movements had slowed down. In fact, the speed of his body did not decrease halfway, but his thoughts were a little fuzzy and his reaction was very slow. He passed the reconnaissance feedback. Xie Chen knew he had one. In a troublesome state, he didn't expect the other party to be so difficult.

Soul Eater: Scope 2, collect the power of death and launch a powerful blow. The target of this skill cannot dodge. The target will be affected by the killed Soul Eater. During this period, the user will increase all damage to the target, and the target’s thinking will also be Intermittently chaotic, lasting 5 minutes.

After several consecutive fights, Xie Chen was scratched in several places. He felt that he was always unable to concentrate, as if he was drunk.

Seeing the owner's situation is not good, the invisible Benita cannot wait for the best time to launch a sneak attack directly from behind the Red Rock Temple. This time, Benita’s weapon was a claw of flame. Wearing two huge burning paws on both hands, they looked pretentious. The giant claws of the flame caught the back of the temple. ..


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