Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 605: : Burned to death

"Bang." The powerful tip has been broken countless times, and then a roar sounded: "Dragon, you are looking for your own death."

Xie Chen obviously felt heart palpitations. He quickly stirred the terrible black dragon all over. He wanted to conduct all-round defense and anti-corrosion, and at the same time, Xie Chen's strength was fully mobilized. In this rainbow universe, the power of the stars is Xie Chen's best use and the most powerful force.

The power of the stars condenses in the heat of the knife edge, making the knife look bright and dazzling.

The "bang" is still accompanied by the destruction of general power. The swallow knife will be a golden knife. But Xie Chen was sad. A powerful energy suddenly broke through the protection of the Black Golden Dragon and directly entered Xie Chen's body.

Bang, burst. Half of Xie Chen's body is so crushing. The yellow golden light shines. Xie Chen saw a terrible golden light and attacked himself again.

"The stars exploded," Xie Chen was angry. The energy accumulated by the stars is already explosive, and there seems to be some difficulty on the other side. However, the speed of the reaction and the speed of the movement are too fast, that is before the star's energy bursts completely. The power of the stars will only blow up half of their bodies, but this is not a fatal wound.

In Xie Chen's eyes, there is a cruel god. At this time, Xie Chen's bust was severely destroyed, and Mr. Ye tried his best to restore his magic power, but it was obvious that this was not something that could be done overnight.

But Xie Chen's previous counterattack also had an impact. Obviously, even the emperor was injured.

At this time, a spiritual wave rushed to Xie Chenshen's soul again, and Xie Chen could not show a faint smile.

The feeling of heartbeat is another kind of burst, but this time Xie Chen is ready.

The emperor's extremely fast flight ended, and its flight speed could make any powerful soul in the world. When he got closer and closer to Xie Chen, Xie Chen was still a pair of ignorance to end the silence of the royal family.

The previous attack seemed to be successful. The enemy's strike and the short blow between the strike paralyzed the burning spirit. At this time, there was no response, and the strike might have the best effect.

The emperor's request was fatal.

Small four-dimensional. Also play five dimensions. Xiao Sanguang. Also beat my speed. The strong energy wave is not less powerful than the gun in the previous section.

Come closer. Getting closer.

100. ten. It rains.

**. 1000000. 100,000.

The closer he gets, the stronger the attack will be. He can definitely have Xie Chen's **** life at this time.

But at this moment, Xie Chen turned his head and smiled at the end of the speeding flight.

Heart, this feeling was felt for the first time after the emperor won the title of emperor and also controlled the rainbow universe, such as the most developed Institute of Science and Technology.

The knife of war. It moved. It's like the fastest lightning. It completely accurately split the terminal emperor.

The hunter cannot fly as fast as an eagle, but he can wait and wait for the moment the prey comes to the door. At a critical moment, the ambush broke out suddenly, but it was also a gamble. Using yourself as bait is a dangerous game of life and death.

Fortunately, Xie Chen won.

"Bang." The terrifying energy that had been prepared was instilled into the emperor's body using the flames of death and achievement. Xie Chen's combat effectiveness has surpassed the peak of the so-called spiritual world combat effectiveness. If the True God's Standard Peak spirit is strong, Xie Chen can smash its bones a dozen times in one action. This attack is very scary. At this time, in Xie Chen's meditation, he had completely entered the emperor's body.

The power of fire, the power of the stars, the power of the black dragon, the power of the sword, and the soul of war broke out.

The "bang" shock wave is spreading. Even with the power of the sky, it is difficult to resist such shock waves. But the shadow of the emperor also disappeared.

it's not like that. This is like the fifth dimension. It's just that these goods are really sold out.

This is a victory.

Xie Chen didn't feel that way. A more terrifying heart is coming. "What a great victory this is!" Xie Chen, a knife full of awe and awe, was the end of the Golden Emperor.

In the end, the terrible monster was defeated.

The joy of victory spread among many strong men, even if they defeated such a terrible enemy, this time will be full of joy.

Bang, suddenly. The sound of golden glitter disappeared. After God was completely transformed, the initial stage of the battle of God's destructive power was immediately realized.

"What" Every strong person is shocked, this is the emperor's end.

"No problem." Xie Chen's students flashed a terrible light. The emperor did not die under the rule of the knight, and this time angered the entire spiritual world. I don't know how many times there were first disasters without disasters. Indeed, they have never been defeated in this way.

"The soul of Yanlong. It can destroy my body. There really is you." The emperor's voice came. "Now you can only continue to destroy my body."

Xie Chen's voice was audible, but the last one was not the emperor. At this time, he consumed too much physical strength and his own strength.

"If I can kill you once, I can kill you twice." Xie Chen was very angry. The dark golden sword seemed to be able to erase the moment he hit a small boat, there was no gunshot.

"Perhaps kill me for the second time." The Emperor's Doom smiled from the fifth dimension and revealed to Ye Tian that he was a strongman of the high moral class, and it seemed that Ye Tian was not afraid of the power of God.

"Come on, come on, kill me again." The Doomsday King said with a cold smile. He regarded Xie Chenye as the most powerful person in the world. The soil also has three fire spots, not to mention the **** of the strong, and the wrath of the strong will suddenly become their most powerful force to the end.

Xie Chen's knife was undoubtedly broken. But in the face of such an attack, the emperor smiled very lightly. Not only did he not escape into the fifth dimension, he did not escape at an extremely fast speed, and he did not even show his own defense. It was so direct and so difficult to capture so many souls. The high moral class, the roar of the strong.

"Bang", the countless powerful forces of the gods condensed together, as if an angry dragon attacked the emperor. The emperor died with a smile.

"How can I repay you?" Xie Chen, to many of the most powerful people in the world, was so stubborn that the emperor finally caught them.

If you think about it, this is not the case. More importantly, the King of End is obviously not a family man who wants to die.

Just at this time.

"Bang." A golden flash disappeared, and another powerful **** died. "Well, you killed me again." The king's voice came again. "Well, the third time. What can you do? The fourth time. The fifth time."

That is 900 times, the emperor's words ended with fear and fear.

Bang, bang, bang, bang. "The countless horrible explosions are not the explosions of a strong person being killed, but this time, an extremely terrifying explosion suddenly erupted in the sky.

The golden light was shining, and a strong God looked at it.

The highest point in the sky is 898 feet.

The dazzling gold, thrilling. Strong and terrible breathing makes it almost impossible for every strong person.

"This is a projection of the void." A strong man opened, and the power of each body was the same. This is very remarkable. This is not a fake, but a firm offer.

"This is not a projection of the body..." Xie Chen can see that for some powerhouses who are already super demigods. At this moment, so many people are not physical projections.

"How could this be an endless projection? Everyone is my respect." The last emperor smiled and looked at everyone.

"No matter how much operation you need or how much control you need, you don't have the ability to operate at the same time, you have the ability to operate." In the eyes of the demigod, the little emperor suddenly flashed a light.

A strong soul suddenly understood. There is no such situation. The emperor's doom can only control a disposable body.

"Yes, you are very smart. You will not feel guilty because you are the strongest person in the modern world," Wang Wei said with a smile. "You are one of the most troublesome people in my plan, but you can easily Can match it. I can't believe there is a dragon on the road, it hurts a bit."

"But this is just a futile resistance." The golden light of the last emperor appeared: "Do you think you can support me to the point where all my bodies are used up?"

A strong man can't help changing his skin color. This is the emperor's end. Before the two bodies were destroyed, there were 900 bodies, but there were still 898 bodies.

This body is undoubtedly very strong. If Xie Chen wanted to destroy a person without preparation, it would take great effort. Even with so many powerful forces here, I am afraid that destroying four or five bodies is the limit. How can it destroy 900.

This battle is doomed to failure.

"It's wrong for you to sacrifice these bodies at this time." Xie Chen said angrily. Yan Jian suddenly chopped off the black gold knife with a terrible knife. It seemed to tear everything away, and countless dark golden flames and starlight burst out of the most terrifying light.

This force directly points to 898 objects in the sky. too frightening.

Only one of the 898 people is the end of the emperor's control. Of course, other bodies are indispensable, but without control, there is no will, no power, and no feeling that the power that destroys the sky can be easily destroyed.

"I don't think I will make such a stupid mistake."

Space power surged 898 bodies disappeared. In the center of this cosmic fortress, the last emperor can manipulate space and time in applause.

"Damn, this family can't win." Demigod Siwu gritted his teeth. At this moment, all powerful gods are full of resentment, this demon, how can it be so powerful.

"Now, you have reached the end", its laughter tells us the power of fear.

"Bang", this golden figure once again took away the heart of a strong man. At this moment, the emperor is the most terrifying assault aircraft no one can stop.

In Xie Chen's eyes, the soul of God was moving.

The dark golden knife passes directly through the fifth dimension, and the sneer of the king at the end of the golden age is also very loud.

"So I said how can you find my way over and over again."

"This is the most powerful trick in this predecessor's spiritual world."

The golden light directly penetrated Xiao Di's demigod body.

"God's soul is burning, a thousand tortures." Half of Xiao Di's body was filled with his own blood, and what followed was a very terrifying huge impression.

This is the true price of a million illusions. A million-fold illusion full of the most terrifying power. It is the heavy fantasy of Emperor Xiao's demigod burning millions of souls.

"You are such a lunatic" The emperor was also suddenly shocked. If he was only destroyed by a corpse, then he would be in no trouble. But at this time, the little emperor's demigod was burning his soul, and his most powerful thing was to drag down the emperor's end. You have to know that Xiaodi is the most powerful soul teacher in the spiritual world, and no one can control the spirit of God. He burned his soul to burst out the last generation of demons that could completely harm the king.

Even the last emperor was destroyed by a corpse. The damage to the devil is at most once in 1 million days. But it was destroyed by such a blow, I am afraid that more than 1% of the demons will be completely destroyed.

"The king of the last days. Lead to death." Xie Chen also flew to the end of the emperor was trapped by the last blow, half of his most powerful knife.

The stars are the gods of black fire and dragons.

"The dragon's spirit is alive and kicking." Once again, a move to kill the Emperor Hei Li launched an extremely serious attack against the emperor of the last days with a real divine power.

"Bang" Xie Chen's most powerful shot, the star of the Dragon God of War was cut off, and the little emperor was burned to death for half his life. After a million wars, the soul of God was burned to death.

"Okay, okay, you ant colony. Now, you really messed me up." An endless deadly force broke out in the center of the cosmic fortress.

The emperor's end. An angry roar spread. The king's end is at this moment. very angry.

He used this powerful scientific power to build 900 of them, 900 of them, but the devil is too mysterious, even using his science, he cannot control this power. Therefore, he can repair and build a body, but there is no way to repair and create a demon.

But at this time, Xie Chen's alliance with the little emperor demigod caused one-third of his demons to be injured. This is why the emperor's anger ended.

The reason why Xie Chen was able to reach such a terrifying emperor's end was because of the ups and downs of the emperor's demigod, and it was also the first soul of the true value of commodities. The power of the spirit is controlled by applause. The sense of knowledge is also very strong. The feeling of the demigod stage has reached an infinitely close to the five-dimensional level.

In the end, after becoming God. Xiao Di and the demigods finally had a five-dimensional perception area. This kind of regional perception, coupled with his own strong control over the soul of the government, made the emperor's demigod feel the existence and trace of this extremely powerful emperor after all. He also made a notice to remind Xie Chenzhao.

This is indeed a miracle, but it was discovered by the last emperor. He wanted to kill the emperor and the demigod emperor, and the demigod emperor burned his soul without hesitation.

But the king of the last days is too powerful. This kind of blow, coupled with Xie Chen of Xinglong, did not kill it, and it also inspired its most terrifying ferocity. ..


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