Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 610: : King of the Mud

Xie Chen also understood that outsiders defeated Zhang Yan, this may be a earth-shattering thing, other kings will definitely appear, anyway, this king Yan is also a king, outsiders can not provoke dignity.

"Okay, get ready," Xie Chen said, and then it turned into a black golden stream and entered the cave.

Now Xie Chen's eyes are full of war. With a "bang", a terrible energy shook out countless silt.

"The king is coming too." A wave of thought came. It directly covers the beast. Its thoughts are full of gentle feelings. Just like the sun. However, the feeling of huge and powerful monster pressure at this moment is an expression of respect and respect. I can see the king's awe of this fluctuating master.

Here is an endless quagmire, the quagmire here is easy to tear the **** of the earth to pieces, faster, faster, more pleasant, more natural, and being able to come here is all different.

This is an old sea turtle with purple and gold color. It looks like a mountain. Although it is patchy, it gives people a sharp feeling. This old sea turtle is like a bug that can penetrate enemies.

This is an extremely cold snake that looks like a eater.

Here, there are five other creatures in this powerful swamp, and the power of these creatures is undoubtedly the absolute powerful in this swamp.

"Since we are all here, it's time to talk about this," a voice spreadsheet, these seemingly ferocious beasts are to stop them from rushing out, waiting quietly.

They are familiar with this voice or this idea.

This is the most powerful king in the swamp. The voice of the king of mud and jade.

At this time, all the kings showed a very respectful look. They all looked at the most central figure with respect and respect.

The king of the mud, the king of the earth, the oldest and the most powerful of the eight kings of Swann.

His guards all have the power of the kings of the United States, and his own power is also very strong, enough to surpass the other seven kings.

In fact, the relationship between the Eight Kings is different from that of the creatures in the round ball. This Niuqi King is undoubtedly the greatest king, and all other kings respect them, because the Niyu King is not only the power to destroy the ascent. , In reality, this Wang’s enlightenment teacher.

Why did the eight kings appear in the swamp? You know, Wang Yuqi is so powerful, it is entirely possible to control other kings.

However, the fact is that the emergence of these kings was all helped by the king of mud and mud. To become kings here, their civilization can also be established through the power of the Jade King.

mud. A figure gradually appeared at the bottom of the swamp.

This is a body that looks like Siku, but the weight of terror is heavier than the weight of other kings.

This is the King of Silt. It looks like a swamp in the sky, a complete piece of Theogu. He doesn't look like a threat, but a frog made up of an emerald fortress.

It seems that there is a khaki spot on the body of the Jade Emperor, like a whirlpool, sucking the mud here, the mud jade king is like a huge orange whirlpool, sucking so much mud here, but the king himself It feels like a soft impression. ..


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