Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1127: : Long breathing

Xie Chen only felt a sudden increase in strength and knocked him out of the air. This power is enough to destroy the vitality of his body. At a time of life and death, Xie Chen made full use of the "flesh" body melting pot. Constantly absorbing that terrible force, so he resisted the horror of the attack.

But Rao was like this. Xie Chen was also bombarded on the rock wall and fell directly, making her body almost unable to move.

King Shulasu quickly summoned Dan to go back, and it caught the eight-eyed magic lotus.

"The fire is one, the sky burns the sea" Xie Chen is contented to the extreme. At this extremely critical moment, he will be scattered with the evil red and inflamed magic fire, and quickly flock to King Shulasu, the Demon King Dan is King Suluo's life'elegant' Huali, although powerful, but once isolated, its own strength, defense, etc. will be minimized.

This is Xie Chen's last chance.

"Nervous," the fiery fire enveloped Shulasu's king.

King Shulasu uttered a painful and terrible roar, his body trembling violently, and he fell out of the air without much meeting, and died directly.

The little fairy also fell beside King Shulasu's body.

Xie Chen breathed for a long time and his life was saved.

But my whole body hurts terribly, and I can hardly improve my strength. "Are you okay?" Xie Chen looked at the empty hand not far away.

Coughing and coughing a few violent coughs, each coughing bleeds a mouthful of blood,'dew' a smile that is uglier than crying, and said: "I can't die."

After a period of rest, they were finally able to move, and they stood up in pain and turned towards the Eight-Eyed Magic Lotus and the two unimaginable nine-star elves.

"Even if you lose half of your life, it's worth it," the two men glanced at each other and laughed at each other.

When they stretched out their hands to pick eight-eyed lilies, agrimony, and picked up the "essence" of the two nine-day stars, they suddenly waved! Two cold lights came in from outside and hit two people in the chest.

"No," Xie Chen and Kong's "color" were both "exciting" changes, but their reaction was quick, and their bodies suddenly rebounded. A very embarrassing glutinous rice roll avoided two blows with sweet bean flour. At this moment, some people flashed into the cave. The first person was actually the ancient Xiao Liuyang family.

"It's you, Xie Chen?" Seeing Xie Chen, Liu Yang's eyes suddenly narrowed, and the corners of his eyes hung like a pair of unsmiling eyes, looking at him with a playful "color".

"Liu Yang" Xie Chen's face'color' became extremely ugly. He didn't expect that he would be so fast, and Liu Yang met him again. Before that meeting, he brought all kinds of insults to himself. Xie Chen never Forgot.

A meaningful expression hung on Liu Yang's mouth. He stared at Xie Chen for a long time, and finally walked away. He saw the blood lotus with eight eyes, the "essence" of the nine-day stars, and Agrimony, his eyes flickered. The color of the greedy god.

He turned to Xie Chen, the corner of his mouth was slightly bent, and he smiled and said, "Hehe, there are really many babies here. Unfortunately, you have no blessing to dissipate. Xie Chen, I said, you are in front of me, nothing, based on you I want to have a fairy and a Qingming son in my humble practice. It’s a crazy dream. Last time, a husband was not there. I spared your dog’s life, but this time, what about this time? I want to see , How did you get rid of my hand? ""This boy is related to fairy Qing'er, is he Xie Chen?" The three people, a tall and thin person, frowned slightly and asked. ..


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