Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1324: : Intruder

But Jin Min and the wild lion have turned into blood-red eyes, and their bodies are full of darkness.

I took a breath of air, but he said, "Aunt Jin Min might not have such nirvana."

"Well, we have to do something." The magic eye said, holding a bead in his hand and giving it to me. The two beads glowed blue to resist the invasion of the spirit.

"Forcing you, so what? You think you will be mine in this haunted place, don't you?" Ratius IX laughed, and a big eye appeared in the sky, as if watching what happened below Things.

Seeing this eye, the soul took a deep breath. "I didn't expect that even higher laws would panic, Lati, you will pay for everything you do." The highest law will not let you go. "

"The highest rule? In this haunted place, I am the highest law." Latius IX's shadow disappeared, and Ji'an, the eye in the sky emitted a gray light, directly at the soul.

"Cheat the sky. Damn it, Reze, Thor borrows the law, heaven and earth."

There was a rumbling sound around the soul, the thunder ball condensed into a thunder ball, and exploded in the gloomy light. The soul covered his chest, but he looked around the Thor Knight and asked, "What are you still looking for?" If you don't Gather the dark air and start a battle, do you want to die? "

"I think we need to help the soul." I groaned for a while, but he said.

"I know, but I need to work hard for a while. I want to rise like this. This is just a delivery." The devil glanced at me, but he said.

"Then I'll go first." Before that magical eye could stop, I spread my wings and flew over. "Friends of Thor, I will give you a hand."

Thor and me felt very uncomfortable, but at this time they had to fight side by side, and their soul nodded to me, "Thank you for the blood temple. When you destroy Latis Nine, there must be good news."

I curled my lips, but fell directly next to Jin Min.

Jin Min's eyes were blood red and his body was full of dark light. My eyes were quickly operated on "the extremely disillusioned pupil of the west."


Jin Min shouted, but instead of using any working methods, he directly addressed me.

The little fairy's body is very strong. Jin Min leaped at him. I took a breath of cold air. Ten holes appeared directly in his body.

"Aunt Jin Min, it's me, I'm me, wake up." My body was full of blood, and I hit Jin Min's body directly. Jin Min's body trembled for a while, but immediately returned to a crazy state.

"Dead, intruder"

I endured the pain, Jin Min entangled together, but Jin Min would not consider his injury, but he must consider whether Jin Min would be injured, so soon, my whole body was blue.

"Five Horses Break Up"

There are five coffins on the ground. There are five magical eyes in the coffins. The five eyes hold Jin Min's head and limbs, and then a force is injected into his body.

Jin Min struggled, but couldn't get rid of it "fighting with the five suns."

Xiao Bai's voice suddenly sounded, and I nodded, and injected the five powers of God's decision into Jin Min's body.

Jin Min's eyes appeared in the light of wisdom, "Auntie, it is me, I am me, carrying Nirvana."

He felt that Jin Min had regained his senses, so he opened his mouth and said.



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