Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1393: :what is this

I started to fight for a minute. During these three days, there was no room for negligence. Once neglected, I am afraid that when I go out, it will be full of typhoid fever and even cause serious injuries.

In order to mobilize the gods, I was in the center near the wind tunnel one step at a time. Since then, I don't plan to stay at the entrance of the cave for three days.

More than a dozen small rocks flew towards Sen and I, and all the rocks were torn apart by the hurricane around the cave. I'm afraid the wind tunnel was not so wide before. As time passed, the hurricane tore the stones on the wall bit by bit. It's getting wider.


I use the physical method to go back and forth in a hurricane, and I have actually used the laws of physics in practice, and I have a certain understanding of the meaning of wind.

What is wind? It is an invisible element. When the breeze blows, it gives people a feeling of rain and spring breeze. When the storm blows, it can destroy the earth. When the wind passes, it can destroy everything. These are winds. , They are indestructible, nothing can be broken.

It seems invisible, but it can destroy everything, I seem to have grasped something, this feeling is fleeting.

"In order to break through the martial arts realm of gods, we must understand our own way and enter the country to break through the shackles and enter the martial arts realm of gods."

With the help of the magic of the wind, I seem to realize something.

Over the years, I have relied on the power of devouring, plundering, and continuous improvement. It is very rare for me to understand my own field. Now I rarely calm down, understand the realm carefully, and improve my Taoist heart.

What is my way?

Soon, I fell into confusion again and didn't know what to do.

He has five elements, the light and darkness of yin and yang power, God has the power of thunder and lightning, and the power of the wind direction is exactly how he chooses. Tao follows nature, and everything is the purpose of natural force. To break the shackles of heaven and earth, there must be natural power.

It's no wonder that the fairyland below is moles and ants. Only when you reach the martial arts of the gods can you use the power of heaven and earth, which is the so-called passage to the road.

"My path is under my own control, and since I have no choice, I will blaze a new path. What is this?" he said. "Then I will use martial arts to enter Dao and respect Dao with sword!"

Wohao was born with the intention of integrating all the elements into one, forming a martial arts character, blending into his own martial arts spirit, and promoting the spirit of martial arts.

However, this moment is not an opportunity to break through God's martial arts, nor can it act lightly or spend these three days.

There are more and more drifting stones, even mixed with some basin-sized boulders, constantly impacting Sen me. At first, my movement speed was very slow and I couldn't control my body.

With gradual adaptation, I was able to cope with it. If the outside world knew it, I couldn't believe it at all, but I was a wise man, coming and going in the wind tunnel.

All this depends on Sen and me to practice the fog, absorb the spirit stone in the wind, and have some wind elements on my body. In the face of hurricanes, I use these two forces to train myself.

A little bit later, the Tang family is still there, and it seems that someone has forgotten my existence.

"Big Brother Tang He, it's been one day, that kid must have been injured in the wind tunnel!"

On this day, Tang He did not go anywhere. Starting from his own mission, sending the Tigers to the Three Brothers failed. Tang He knew that my strength should not be underestimated, and I can only rely on Tang Hong's strength.

"In three days, I will let this boy kneel in front of me!"

Recalling the scene of my book writer threatening himself the day before yesterday, Tang He made a vicious voice.


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