Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1549: : Little girl put down

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Like I said, I held my nose gently, closed the door, and flew away quickly.

But I was embarrassed, I felt like being molested all the time, but it wasn't that.

Yu Renmin looked at me happily, this boy, he looked like a young man at that time.

"Xiao Lin, you are a good friend. What's more rare is that it is so beautiful, still so smart, and a typical strong woman."

"Yes, this horse is always a really strong woman. You see, it is not easy for a girl's family to run such a large and characteristic hotel."

Midway, I went to Ma Qingqing to check out. Ma Qingqing's eyes were very white, and I was speechless, and the two of them tugged vigorously. I went to talk to Yu Renmin, and when he came out, Yu Renmin wanted to settle the bill. Ma Qingqing smiled and said, I have paid the bill and discounted it by 50%.

Yu Renmin was speechless at once, and had to laugh at me again next time. The two of them went home separately. I went home all the way and looked at it. My mother-in-law’s car was in my yard. I would understand in my heart,% people. I think of myself and Wang Nan.

When the car stopped, I heard that the car had jumped out of the little girl, and the little toot said dissatisfied, "The bad guys will know that he ran out to play and didn't take me."

I patted the little girl's **** and said, "Auntie, are they here?"

"Yes, my father went on a business trip, and my mother was at home alone, so she came to see us. That's right, I am also at home alone."

As he said, a pair of big eyes looked at me with watery eyes, even more reluctant, how reluctant, as if I had to carry this little woman's general on his back. applaud.

I was speechless, looked at the little girl, did not speak, and kissed her strong lips bluntly.

At the door, the mother-in-law was quietly watching two people kissing, smiling faces, two children, don't know, ha ha. Young is a good thing.

And I, Wang Nan, were kissing when I saw my mother-in-law inside, and immediately faced the burning flames, I hurriedly put the little girl down, laughing, "Auntie is here." The girl said, "Auntie, you are here."

My mother-in-law smiled at me and said to me, "Yes, but, son, when will you change your mouth?"

My face suddenly turned red, and I smiled twice. "I, I want to take a shower."

Over, run away as usual.

Wang Xianghong looked at me in the desert and suddenly laughed, and Wang Nan, like his mother had just caught a right, but at this time, his face was flushing, and he said shyly and timidly under his head.

"Come on, girl, tell mom, you and Xiaofeng, eh, is that right?"

Wang Nan looked at her mother's mysterious and unpredictable expression, and suddenly became more confused, shy, and squeamish, "Mom, what's the matter with that, you can't tell clearly, ah."

"Oh, you little boy, you know, that's what mom said, right?"

"Mom,... I said you don't want anything good all day. How old am I? You just."

At this time, Wang Nan saw his mother’s strange expression and immediately lost the power of self-defense, and said helplessly: "Yes, this is what he said, Feng said, now he is practicing very strong way, but he is very strong way. But it was not easy for him to say, "Yes, oh, the wind said it. But this is also an unknown road, so the wind has to wait until I feel it and feel better before asking my body.



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