Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 41: : In Fengyu City

Zhu Yanhuan said: "When we came, we flew out of the valley, but the hawkers were lying in ambush on the top of the mountain. They could not find us. The three monks who were practicing in the air just now hid in the cave. See." At this time, six monks from the base came, and they searched everywhere. The vendors had already heard of the wind and ran away. "

I yelled, "After catching the cicada and the yellow bird, what a gladiator, these vendors are too damn!" In this case, is there any other vendor in the city ambushing the gentleman who tried to escape the city? ? "

Zhu Yanhuan looked at Cheng Rong and Chi Yuan, and then said to me: "These two sisters were caught by hawkers elsewhere. The monologues entering Fangcheng, especially those below the Dan period, will basically escape the clutches."

I frowned and said, "It's a black market, let's go as soon as possible."

The four raised their flying instruments and flew directly from the rift to the sky. They quickly disappeared into the valley, and the unknown city behind them was getting further and further away from them, but a dark crisis was brewing unconsciously. The four of me don't know.

No other troubles along the way. After three hours of continuous flight, the four of me finally flew out of the endless mountains and saw the magnificent repaired city from a distance, less than a few hundred miles from Fengyu City. From the four gates of Fengyu City to different places, monks are often seen coming in and out.

After a long sigh, I finally found a place to practice calmly. As long as I enter Fengyu City and find a hidden cave, no one will think about it again.

He thought this way, but Zhu Yinhuan next to him said: "Fengyu City is here, shall we go directly into the city, or should we camp outside the city for a while?"

I frowned and asked, "'Lu' camp?"

Zhu Yanhuan explained: "In Fengyu City, only the monks from the East House can have a long-term jade certificate, and they can freely enter and exit Fengyu City at any time." If other monks want to enter the city, they must be guards at the gate. The office purchases a short-term ID card. According to the regulations of Fengyu City, each monk spends ten spiritual stones to enter this day. "

I was surprised to ask: "Is it so expensive?" Most hotels only need a few stones for a month. "

Zhu Yanhuan said: “Fengyu City is located in the transportation fortress of the extreme western plateau and is a transit point to and from other big cities, so most of the monks who come and go are wealthy businessmen.” Their main purpose of entering and leaving Fengyu City is to sell various maintenance material.

On the other hand, in cities within thousands of miles, there are no other big cities, so many monks come here mainly to repair materials, which can better help them improve their strength.

In both cases, the monks did not care about these ten stones, because most of them did not live very often, they usually left after three to five days, but despite this, the city was still overcrowded. This is the opposite of other areas in the extreme western plateau. "

I ordered a few clear places: "The Western Plateau is sparsely populated, and only Fengyu City is overcrowded, so the real materials here should be very rich."

Zhu Yanhuan: "In Daxiao Town, the 16th city in the extreme western plateau, Fengyu City is the city with the most comprehensive information, but the city hall and Dongfu are also the most expensive." Therefore, those who cannot afford the spiritual stone will have to Stay in the camp outside the city and wait for news. ..

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