Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 65: :Take me away

"So, who said no? Now, although the palace is hosted by my aunt, it is mine if I can." Gao Yu smiled confidently and quickly walked away with Mo's compassion.

I'm like a wooden chicken, familiar voice, but it's too cruel.

"This world is fake, isn't it?"

I gritted my teeth. "There can be such a big change. You are using something I don't know."


God smiled coldly and said: "I swear to God, if the world you see now is false, I will never stop between heaven and earth."

I look like a dramatic "sex" change, as the master swears, it will not be an ordinary oath.

"Do you want to continue? Look at one of the most famous strong men in your heart."

The Lord of God smiled again, and his figure flashed in a piece of snow with me. A person is very familiar. It is a dog, with the upper body, now has "hair" flying, and the eyes are fierce. There were five sacred respects before him, but then he broke one of them into crumbs.

"It's so weak and pitiful, a pile of garbage, so I can't find a trace of happiness."

A dog said contemptuously that the rest of the people were shaking, but they did not dare to resist. A dog reached out to grab one of them, and the power of the ice boulevard overflowed, slowly freezing it, the process was very slow. First, it starts with two legs. As long as it is touched by the ice avenue, the frozen place will naturally become ice scum.

This is definitely a torture!

I can't look straight. The breathing of a dog is real, the breathing of the cold road is real, and the power is real in my body!

God smiled and took me to another place, where he wandered with blood. Poor Yu, holding seven swords of love, was slowly piercing the heart of a woman wearing it slowly, but her laughter was cold and ferocious. "A group of ants dare to refute me? Now let you know what happened to me!"

"It's not true, absolutely not true."

As soon as I moved, I was caught by the Lord of God and said: "Don't forget our agreement, you can only see, you can't do anything." I clenched my fists, looking forward to death. Although he knew his daughter was arrogant, he would never believe that he would do it.

"Do you want to see Lin Aqing and Fu Xiaoyu? Your living parents and sisters? And Ge Yingzhen, Wu Bufang, etc."

The Lord of God said again: "But I still say that the world is an empty country, a world that is "chaotic" in your mouth." The more you see, the more cruel. As long as you nod, I can watch all this with you. "

Smell it, my heart trembled, and he realized that he was afraid to look at it. The Lord of God has already sworn, and he has no reason not to believe the Lord's oath.

For a long time, heavy rain killed several "women" and left the area. A monk quickly cleaned it up. I'm still in a daze.

"……Take me away."

"Very good" The Lord of God breathed a sigh of relief. "do what you want"

One, did not destroy the world!

I don't know how God brought me back to God, but I can only find it strange that he feels "awake". .However, the Lord did not give him much time to think about it. I just said: "Now that you have seen everything, I hope you can leave smoothly this time, don't look back, don't hesitate."

My heart was moved, and I just nodded stiffly. He no longer thought about it, but worried that he would hurt more.

"You are right, it's just them"

Jehovah reached out and patted my shoulder to comfort me. "Now I open the aisle and we will get there as soon as possible. When he finds out, he must leave in the shortest time."

"He" in God's mouth naturally refers to a mysterious person, I understand.

The man is strong and suffocating.

I nodded again, looked around, looked into the distance, and saw signs of God.

Without the actions of the Lord of God, the entire palace is full of God's great light, and the breath of God's way is ancient and modern. Compared with the Son of God, the way of God is worthless.

I stared at the Lord of God in amazement. This is the power of God to rule. ..

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