Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 224: : This is the sea

For my departure, the Biyan family has cooperated and valued very much. They deliberately launched a cross-border transmission array that would not be used, allowing me to enter the ocean in the hinterland.

"I planned to send you to the other four important towns of our family, but now the entire ocean knows that you are a member of our family, so someone is monitoring these four big cities. If I send you there, things It may happen. So I can only send you in at will. How about?" Biyanzilu.

I nodded slightly, this arrangement is still very safe, at least to a certain extent to ensure my safety.

"Be careful when you get to the hinterland of the sea. There are not many borders, and the details of any power are far beyond your imagination. Like walkers, although they have eaten many times, it is definitely not easy. Don't underestimate them!" The blue eyes said dignifiedly, "The pedestrians have vowed to burn you to ashes. These days, in order to protect you, my blue eyes are staring at great pressure!"

I nodded, expressing my feelings for.

Then, Biyanzi quietly sent me on the road, and finally said that if I was willing to give him a trace of origin, he was willing to pay a huge price.

I smiled and said, "As long as you frame me and Ba Guoyao's sister, you can say anything, don't say that is the source, I can give it to you!"

"Get out!" As his face was gloomy, it was impossible to agree to this request.

It smelled, I laughed and said nothing, but turned around and walked directly into the transmission array built by the Blue Eyes family.

After a while, a gap appeared, and I immediately traversed the gap of thousands of miles. Soon, his figure rushed out and fell into an ancient area.

Not far away, we can see the endless mountains and rivers, a breath of respect for all the people, far away. This area is more prosperous than the Eastern Famine, and it is a place of innocent practice in the legend. In this kind of place, even if it is not practiced, the unparalleled longevity of mortals is amazing.

.Winter City

This is the sea, an unimaginable pure land. If ordinary people come to this place, even if they don't practice, it can be unparalleled long. If martial arts come here, they will practice here, and within one day they should be rewarded by other circles for three days. Such a fast practice speed is unimaginable. It is still in the ordinary area. If in some areas where the main force is one of the key points, it may be even harder to imagine the speed of practice.

This also explains why there are so many young people in this world, because the environment in which they practice is very good, and the environment determines everything.

I entered the hinterland of the sea from the Great Famine. This is the eastern part of the sea and the most prosperous part of the sea. I walked slowly, and he saw mountains and rivers rushing, like dragons and rivers, many unheard and invisible creatures appeared.

After millions of miles in this area, I finally reached the center of the east of the ocean. I don't know how far it is from the border, but for the cross-border spread of the Biya family, I don't know how long it will take to get here.

At the same time, in this process, I gradually realized that the powers I knew before, such as the pedestrian family, the royal family, the Mao family, etc., are so powerful.

Such characters rarely appear in the hinterland of the ocean. But for the sake of "Huangpu Bing", one of the four beauties in the sea, they appeared separately. This is also in the border area, ≠. If I were in the hinterland of the sea, even if I wanted to offend these people, I would not be able to meet them. ..



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