Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 239: : Move all the way

In this place, I feel at least the breath of three evil emperors, but they are already very old, if I am not here now, I will not be intimidated.

This is the first time I set foot on the experimental road of other peoples. At this time, he would not be careless, but opened Tai Chi's eyes, and then walked forward slowly.

"Well, sure enough, every node on the trial road is not so easy to walk!" After watching it carefully for a while, I couldn't help shaking my head. In addition to the horror of the immortal mark of the demon emperor, the city itself also contains many prohibitions and patterns, which makes it a forbidden place for many people.

Because of this, although the demons have retreated, they have not given up here, but most of them are ready to return to the future place after the war. At this time, these large arrays have been urged and inspired. Although they are hidden, they can certainly kill outsiders who don't know anything.

I took a breath slowly. Fortunately, in addition to being a martial artist, I also have the identity of a spiritual master. Otherwise, if they accidentally enter, they are likely to fall into despair. ?

The most important thing is that in the past two decades, I have repeatedly speculated about "returning to mourning sutras" and have gained many benefits. The most obvious of which is that his spiritual master has taken a crucial step in his practice. His power It is almost the same as his martial arts practice.

At this point, he has always been able to be called the emperor, and he can see through many large arrays at a glance, forbidden to wait, and finally it is extremely terrifying.

Therefore, for others, the big city may be a forbidden place for life, but for me, it is not a forbidden place. He just needs to think carefully, he is pretty sure he can delve into this matter.

At this time, the light of the fire rose to the sky, and the sun was forbidden to boil. I controlled it carefully, moved my breath in the array, and then moved all the way.

Soon, he broke through the external array and entered the interior of this node. This is a pretty quiet Taoist map. The world is full of auras, very suitable for practice, is an ideal closed place. The Mozu is also considered to be an extraordinary person, such a place, compared with the people of Tianxian Academy, there is not much.

"Little fairies can get such a place, it shouldn't exist in the first place, most of them also have many benefits, in order to build such an ancient road!" The wheel opened his mouth thoughtfully.

I nodded. After all, the evil emperor of the demon family is definitely no less than the emperor of humans, but in this era, they are completely suppressed by humans. At some point, the demon race was crowned as the world, and the demon emperor came out of such a race. Their way of judgment will never be bad, and even if there is no way to surpass the way of human trials, it should be almost the same.

"This place is really good for practice and closing!"

Along the way, my team and I finally came to the center of the big city. This is a huge temple with a piece of ice in it, floating in a huge ice floe, in the middle of the sea of ​​ice. It can be seen that there seems to be an island suspended in mid-air, now slowly rotating.

Anyone who comes to this place can see that the small island hanging in the air is definitely a treasure, the towns and cities of this place!


At this moment, the small island hanging in the air gave out a strange breath, with a kind of immortal power, which made people feel numb at a glance, but also had a feeling of extreme greed. It seems I want to put it in my arms.




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