Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 248: : Such a character

The world seemed to be in a commotion at this time, the bright silver light was a little dim, and the expressionless emperor had to take a step back, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"What a powerful man!"

Whether it is the horse on my side or other powerful people watching the war, everyone is changing colors at this moment, because this level of confrontation is far beyond the scope of imagination. If the distance is too close, the result is difficult to predict.

The bounty order was opened just now, and the people in the magic palace were extremely ugly and even a little scared when they came. They were very regretful and afraid, afraid that I, the emperor, Wuhou and others would liquidate them.

In fact, I am not interested in them at all. Even if this group of people don't shoot, I might find a way to expose the reward order and let the people from the Magic Palace come forward.

"Hmm! Take the liberty!"

Suddenly, there was an unparalleled cold buzzing sound, and in the other direction, another battle was about to appear, full of magic. There seemed to be a moon behind him, hanging behind his head, making it impossible for people to look at him directly. At the same time, the supreme breath also spread out, blocking the back of the battleship.

Obviously, these two supreme beings are from the magic palace, they now choose to fight together, wanting to destroy my group.

Everyone is trapped. When will there be so many masters in this series? This is unreasonable! Counting in the magic palace? In the legend of the Devil's Palace, what kind of back-hand did he prepare?

There is no doubt that a devil left this latecomer, absolutely terrifying, this is definitely his most powerful blood, far less than the devil. Otherwise, he would not be born so powerful, and the goal is to eliminate those who wish to prove it.

These two supreme people came from the devil family and were once the commander of a demon emperor. Their appearance is cold. Because these two people are qualified to enter the emperor's territory and have extremely rich combat experience, both of them have absolute initiative and advantages. such a personality, it is very scary to appear casually, there are two people at this moment, how do people face it?

It can only be said that the power of these two opponents is unimaginable, who can think of it? They are terrifying for generations, and the aura of killing is stronger than that of everyone in the world.

These two words are by no means ordinary supreme, because they appear here, they want to forcibly destroy my people, so that they will not die.


I am not afraid. My palm is scratched at this moment. Every finger is like a broken sword, shaking in the void. Whenever it falls, the sun, moon, and galaxy will shake and tremble, as if to collapse. .

There was a surprised look on his face, but I didn't care at all, because no matter how strong I was, it didn't make any sense to them. In him, the chain of order appeared, bright and dazzling. When each chain of gods flew out, it could suppress the ordinary supreme.

This is the most powerful and domineering attack. Generally speaking, these elders see the younger generation, shooting at a high profile, suppressing them in all directions.

However, in the face of such suppression, I looked incomparably cold. It could be said that I was not arrogant and impatient. His palms protruded forward and cut the universe directly. Any random blow could break all kinds of methods. The so-called power drops ten times. If you shoot at will, you will break the chain of order around you.

You know how powerful my body is. The eternal golden body is completely equivalent to the highest level of the body. This is not something that ordinary people can break through.

Therefore, currently suppressing this war is meaningless to me. ..



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