Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 251: : Collapse directly

The only queen combed her hair lightly and covered her face with a veil, but she vaguely saw that the lines on her face were very soft. Her face is really beautiful, although only a pair of nice eyebrows are exposed, it is still so bright and moving.

With the passage of time, nearly a million years have passed. It can be said that everything can be buried in the face of the power of time. But when she got to this point, she returned to the world, saw through the red dust, and remembered the past.

Her eyes were a little confused, a little sad, and a little gray. She looked at the direction of the four wastelands from a distance. She is observing the depths of the border. The boundary of heaven is different from the past, and the vicissitudes of life have changed everything for a long time. Even the legendary star domain has collapsed, I don't know how many.

Of course, there are also times of life and death. Some ancient edges of the universe have now become new life star realms, full of vitality.

All this can only be said to be vicissitudes of life, everything has changed.

"You are really strong, but in order to surpass the power of heaven and approach the fairy road infinitely, you can't compete!" Although there was some fear in all directions, he still did not retreat. At this moment, its surface is brighter, and some patterns begin to burn. As it said, these laws seem to transcend this field and are not part of it at all.

I took a calm breath, and I was taken aback at this moment, because he saw the vague chain of order, and he also had a familiar breath.

In the depths of the martial arts forbidden ground, he felt this kind of breathing, as if breathing from meatballs.

From this point of view, it seems certain that the meatballs must be related to a devil. Moreover, a devil himself has become the fatigue of the devil, and God knows what he wants to do. But most of them are related to immortality, immortals, etc.

And people obviously hold too much hope for a devil. This legendary imperial soldier is likely to become a fairy, which is rare in ancient and modern times.

At this time, it flew down in all directions again, and this time its attack was even greater. In order to arouse the fluctuation of the entire universe, the distant star sea collapsed directly at this moment, and a single knife could kill thousands of years.

This time, the queen's eyes shot out two amazing lights, which was very different from the previous tranquility. She seemed to have just woke up from a deep sleep, no longer taciturn, but at this moment became an absolute **** of war .

The light of the eyes passed through the sky and the black hair was flying, and the female emperor rushed to the sky. At this moment, she took the initiative to attack, which can be said to be strong enough to shock. At this moment, she rushed out of her hand and fell directly on top of everything.

"This is the power of time!" Many people sighed. At this moment, King Wa is no longer urged to replenish heaven, but a simple road to time.

This kind of power returns to nature. It seems simple, but it is often the most powerful and unimaginable.

It can only be said that the simple breathing is trembling, and can't bear it at all. Even the emperor can't stand it. They all knelt on the ground and couldn't help knocking on the door.

I also started to salute him, but it was not because he couldn't bear such breathing, but because he taught his son to make up for the kingdom of heaven, and at the same time respect the emperor very much. This is of course a gift.

Then, instead of choosing a head-on confrontation, he trembled slightly and avoided the blow directly. It can be said that this is an incredible thing. You know, it has always been invincible and disillusioned, but today it chose to retreat actively? This is unimaginable! ..



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