Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 259: : The knight came to me

I am here now, accompanied by two disciples and three followers. They left Jiujixian Road and are about to enter this **** sand gate, where they will feel the desolate atmosphere that has always existed throughout the ages, which is unspeakable The feel of the table. Since ancient times, I don’t know how many of the most respected people have entrusted themselves in the past few years, and have always left a name here. They once left an outstanding battle here, buried in the past.

"Dust Seal" records the history of the past dynasties and the marks of witnesses from the heavens. It can be said that people of every nation and every age will come here to see the glory of their ancestors and remember the past of their ancestors and be shocked here. Huaxi began to explain that he had been here for a long time, and he was more familiar than me.

I came too. He stood in front of the dust, waving his hands carelessly at this moment, and saw the ancient dust door slowly open. At this moment, no one could keep calm.

Because, in the dust of various majestic buildings, in the blood of natural stone platforms, now people are slowly standing up and looking at the city gate from a distance.

Dust is a place where true practitioners of various ethnic groups gather. It is not known how many people there are in this place. There are a group of people from the legendary fairy family, the saint of the ancient fairy school, the descendants of the corpse king, and the Shiling family. The descendants of Shi Huang. There are the descendants of the legendary gods, etc.

It can be said that these people come from different races and different star regions, but without exception, they are the world's world, or the world's top figures who have settled down! The purpose of its existence is to compete for the merits of this life and for the sole proof of the path of the emperor.

At this time, the sound of iron hoof broke through the starry sky, like a torrent of steel, that iron blood passed through the sky and the earth, and through the vast sky at the moment of killing the poisonous gas! A team of iron armored riders rushed to the battlefield, armed with mysterious iron spears. The mounts below were all legendary ancient ferocious beasts, and each one was ferocious.

As for these knights, each of them was fierce and terrifying, strong and absolute. They wore masks and contained a strong breath of death.

Obviously, these knights came to me, on the one hand to prevent him from entering the dust and make him feel the greatest embarrassment, on the other hand, to test his depth. If I can't even get in this door, then he won't have to think about the emperor's road struggle. Even if he saves the world, once he stops like this, it will become a stain that is difficult to clean up, and even a lifetime regret.

Because, the front line of Huanglu competition is to see the real strength.

It can be said that this is very untrue. After all, five hundred years ago, I fought in a desperate place for the sake of heaven and earth, but now some people have done so, trying to expel it in the most embarrassing way.

This is no longer a common sense of humiliation. Obviously, I hate extremes and want to ruin him and push him to the end.

What are the identities of these people? This is everyone's problem. Even if Luo Shui, Butcher, Taoism, Xuanwang and I all realize that there will be a world war, most people don't do it now. If they were there, they would even respectfully invite me into the city, because it was respectful.

However, there were too many people who shot at that time and they were not affectionate at all, so it was a naked shame to simply and directly sweep my face.

Obviously, these people don't care what I do, and they obviously trample on his dignity.

Huaxi was very angry. Now the war is boiling, and the whole person is about to be burned, and the whole body is covered with blue light. ..



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