Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 265: :What a pity

They look cold, like the legendary demons, nothing can shake their minds, they don't care, just a shot.

In their eyes, I am the real threat before them, and we must do our best to eliminate it.

The giants of primitive creatures and ominous creatures quickly retreated with a group of people, but even so, a group of people turned into light rain at a time, as if the world had evaporated. In an instant, both the form and the **** were destroyed, and they could not resist.

In fact, these are just some ripples. The moment they touched them, the bodies of these people were blown away and turned into a cloud of blood, their bones were gone, and God was destroyed.

After all, the quasi-master is high and unparalleled, and the lethality caused by random strikes is unimaginable!

I looked very cold. He saw the difference between himself and the three prospective owners, or it should be said that it was a gap. In order to save the four elephants, he was almost beaten to death by these three people. It can be said to be a very shocking injury. .

But these three are cold and merciless people, foreign things are not important to them at all. Even if they work hard to cultivate the masses, they die when they die. They don't care.

Just like I killed a devil, these three people were indifferent and ruthless. They didn't think of the death or life of such a foreign thing. The only thing they thought was, why could he remain calm?

This makes me in awe. Such creatures have really wiped out all their mood swings. The most frightening thing is that even if they are killed frantically, it may be difficult to find their weakness.

For example, in the eyes of these three people, the four elephants I desperately wanted to save were actually useless. No matter whether they are dead or alive. They don't care. Their real purpose is to kill me.

Because only this young man did not touch the original breath in front of him, did not fall, but reached their level, not afraid of anything, this is the biggest threat to them!

Only by killing me can they be calm; as for others, they can't shake their minds at all.

"What a pity! Poor! Sigh! Let you be proud of each other, let you have thousands of autumn dominance, and finally a brick empty. You are destined to waste time, and your lives are destined to end in tragedy!"

The voice of moral respect sounded, as if he was performing something. He saw that behind him, countless ancient inscriptions were constantly being deduced.

A huge momentum dissipated. This is the so-called opportunity in the underworld. It is like messing up the world. It also heralds my end. Obviously, the lord of the moral heaven used the power of heaven and cut me off. s life.

Such a killing is equivalent to a curse, no matter where it appears, it can be said to be mysterious, strange, insurmountable, and unable to resist the attack.

Soon, I felt his original horror and invincible aura, like being torn apart in an instant, opening a hole, and invincible aura pouring out, he seemed to be "destroyed" by such a natural opportunity!

Obviously, the opponent does not need to use this action to kill it, as long as he is caught in a downwind in an instant, the best thing for them is to do it.

Dangerous situation

Donghuang Taiyi was drunk and drunk. Now her white hair is flying with the wind, her big fist can almost fall into the sky, and random blows can wither everything. It can be said that nothing in the world can stop him from such a blow. ..



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