Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 285: : Believe in this evil


In the next moments, I am not magnanimous. It is difficult to be here at this point. Can other people often fail to do it? No matter what the other person is, since you know where they are, you have to kill them because this trip is too important for me and the rest of the child.

Then, the emperor killed the brand bombarded, and heard a "plop", this man's flesh exploded directly, and I decisively "shot" on the battlefield. I'm afraid he can't even expect to die. I will do this.

"What? There are substitutes for death, and it seems to be ready!"

I did it again and solved it completely. At the same time, he urged the law to burn everything about this person directly, leaving no trace.

"Let's go, there are still people coming from far away. I'm afraid someone will have the same idea as us this time. I won't believe in this evil, others will do it faster than us." I said.

Although he was a little entangled before, but now he has come to this point, he is very decisive, and soon started.

In a blink of an eye, he didn't enter a mountain and went straight in. Soon, I stopped and became very solemn at the same time, because all the terrain of this place is so terrible, there is a large area of ​​space, a heavy one, no matter what it looks like, you can't walk around at will. ? At the same time, I was shocked. Looking to the future, that place is very evil. It is a hillside. The red mist is dispersed. You can see a non-dog. Like a person and a non-human lying there, covered in blood.

My eyes shrink, what is this? This is an indescribable creature! But this indescribable creature died near this entrance. The flesh and blood on his body has not been lost. It is definitely an indescribable creature that was killed here not long ago.

"Isn't this kind of animal just a few steps away from here? No wonder outsiders are so desperate." Yu Baobao sighed.

"This is not an exaggeration. You see, his head is facing outside. Obviously, he killed very deeply, and then he had to retreat, but when they came back here, most of them dried up and they had to Dead, as for the other unspeakable dead creatures, it is estimated that luck will be better than him. If it weren't, we might see unspeakable creatures lined up. "I sighed and opened my mouth.

After hearing this, the baby nodded. Even the indescribable creatures died at the entrance, and they didn't need a restricted area.

"Give me that jade mirror, there are so many here, you may not be able to see through." I said, picking up the jade mirror and looking at it carefully, then he chose a direction and carefully bypassed the jade baby , Because this indescribable creature is absolutely inaccessible, otherwise, even if the other side dies, breathing will be enough to kill them.

Suddenly, a sharp scream came, making people feel numb to the scalp.

Where there is a gorge, you can see the gorge, but now a beam of golden "colored" light "shoots" out of the gorge, killing where they are. At first, I thought most canyons were washed away.

But when he took a closer look, he took a calm breath and felt "hairy" creepy, because the golden "color" light is alive, and it is huge anyway, and now he is attacking them at an unimaginable speed Rushed to the place. It seems to be eating these two people soon. ..

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