Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 293: : Should be able to practice

I suddenly opened my eyes, looked around in surprise, and shouted: "Xiaoyin!" Where are you? I heard. Did you hear my voice? "

The guards of the palace gathered together in a hurry, without eyebrows, grabbing my shoulder and asking him, "Emperor, what's wrong with you?"

"Did you hear someone talking?" I opened my eyes and looked at the crowd in surprise. Complete collection of downloads

But people's faces were inexplicable, and then shook their heads in the same way.

No! Someone was talking in his ear just now, it was definitely Xiao Yin's voice! Why did no one hear it? The smile on my face disappeared, do I have auditory illusions?

If a person breaks through the realm of spirit and God and has auditory hallucinations, it means that he has been "fascinated"! But I can feel that the aura on my body is stable, even if it is a spiritual God, it is no different. It means that he has not been caught by the devil. He did hear Xiao Yin's response just now!

Or is it Xiao Yin's response to sacred knowledge, the special connection between the queen's sacred knowledge and the emperor's sacred knowledge? Can only he and Xiao Yin hear it?

Maybe this is why the emperor and queen are different! When I think of this, I feel more "excited" in my heart. If I can feel Xiao Yin's voice, can I keep in touch with her? Even if she goes to the ends of the world, there is nothing to be afraid of, she can find it herself! Unfortunately, when I want to perceive Xiao Yin with God, I cannot hear her voice! Looking at the sky, the "color" was already dark, and the top of Baitou Mountain began to blow cold. I had to take people down the mountain, but I was very happy when I heard Xiao Yin's voice just now!

If this is "gate" kungfu, it should be able to be practiced. Since you know this method, as long as you pay more attention to practice in the future, you can definitely drink a small drink thousands of miles away to talk to you! This is the work of both himself and Xiaoyin, simply call it "a thousand miles away"!

In the next few days, I consciously went to practice God. In the cry of Xiao Yin in my heart, as he said, I heard Xiao Yin's voice several times!

It's just that Xiao Yin was afraid that he would find her regardless of each other, so he didn't tell anyone where she was, just to reassure him that she was fine.

This kind of marriage effort is really hard, and the time is not good. I meditate dozens of times a day, and I can contact Xiao Yin no more than three times, each time I have to sit for a while to recover.

Now it is the two days agreed, and Jun Xuan has reached the ‘gate’ of Tuwan in Beicheng! However, instead of attacking immediately, he camped a mile outside the city gate.

Long Jiao didn't understand my intentions, and asked him anxiously: "Emperor, we don't have much time, why should we wait here?" If you run all the way here and rush in, do you have to wait for reinforcements? "

Oi next to him smiled and said: "General Long is not in a hurry, the emperor is not reinforcements, but wisdom!" It is precisely because we have come here so far that we are not in a hurry to charge. Let the brothers rest for a while, and it won’t be too late to attack when their stamina recovers! "

I nodded, Immortal Sheep couldn't let Longjiao and Uiyi partner lead the army, it was the right person! Dragon Horn is brave and invincible, and the entire Qilin group is also affected by him. It is just the defect that''sex' is more than''sex'! ..

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