Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 298: : Was knocked out

Without thinking of how to deal with the essence of these stones, Xuanbao could only avoid it, and finally felt a little busy, so he turned around and hid under the feet of a big rock!

"Bang!" A heavy fist hit the leg of the big stone, and the fragments of the stone splashed out. The essence of the big stone uttered a roar and punched its stone spirit to knock it down!

This method is great! Xuanbao music, dodge around the souls of these big rocks, leading them to fight, all the fists are on their bodies!

Big is capital, but if the brain is not smart, it is just a stupid big, and can only be led by the nose!

The essence of these stones is all made of stone, so there is no harm. There is a stone spirit that was destroyed by metaphysics, and even smashed by his companion, but it can be picked up with a headless body staggeringly and then buckled. In his own body, he can continue to fight! ?

The crowd was stunned. When they saw such an enemy, they would not be killed! Everyone is worried about Xuanbao. If it were not for his death order, he has not yet reached the most important moment. We can only stand at a distance and dare not interfere!

If you really intervene, you won't be able to help. Knives, guns, and sticks are the essence of these stones, not even the itching, they are not harmful at all! We don’t know much about other magic skills. Even the spiritual fire is only realized by a few companions. It is only used, and it does not play a big role!

Therefore, people can't help themselves if they have the heart to help. As Xuanbao said, if they rush forward, it is only to help and increase Xuanbao's burden!

Oh my goodness, that little stone is a bit clever, the target is the Xuanbao, the body that was beaten is ignored, the silk thread was knocked off, he immediately picked it up and stuck it on the heart of the stone, and continued to hunt down the Xuanbao!

The Xuanbao was carefully attached to the silk thread. The color of the stone was obviously different from other places. It was not big. At best, it was the size of a baby's head. Compared with other places on it, it was nothing.

The stone is a little red, not too red. The essence of his stone, everyone has this red stone on his chest, Xuanbao frowned, suddenly cheered up, Lingshi! These stones are spiritual stones!

Accept the essence of stone

Profound treasure is no stranger to Lingshi. The original boundary was based on Lingshi to arrange success. Now the Hukou Soldier Road is covered with dozens of Lingshi!

It is said that 10,000 years ago, spirit stones were very common. At that time, the currency traded between the four worlds was Lingshi, which bought things for two catties. ..

But after the war between gods and demons, a lot of spiritual stones were consumed! This kind of thing that can replenish mental power suddenly turned into hot money, was snatched away by the two circles of magic, and finally almost disappeared on the continent of Bailu, only there were some on the bottom of the sea.

In fact, there are also in the Central Plains, but not many, such as rare. Under the influence of the shield, its absorption and storage of aura has also greatly decreased.

But I can't believe that in this cave in Xiling, there are so many spiritual stones, they have been trained to become essences and become stone men!

Fortunately, they are just monsters, not demons, otherwise the damage will be endless! Monsters in this mountain generally do not take the initiative to harm people unless they think that someone has violated their interests and poses a threat to them! ..

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