Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 308: : Overnight

The young man was terrified a long time ago, he subconsciously hid behind the master, his face also "showed" a panic expression, but because of her identity, she immediately restrained herself. The serious Samba said: "This little man is very stubborn and offends an adult. It is wrong for the teacher to accompany him." We all have the same spirit and work together. Why do we do something that does not allow conflict with each other and hurt each other's inner peace? "

"Are you afraid now? It's late!" He smiled coldly, and now more than two thousand people came down from above, all rushing behind him. He Samba did not explain, but pointed to the purple man in front of him and drank a drink to the brother behind him. "fighting!"

I didn't expect that the other party would be such a robber. If he disagrees with the other party's opinion, he must fight! A group of purple robes changed their faces, only a thousand people looked at the door, but now they are twice as many. How can they fight?

Suddenly a scream came from the entire mountain stream. The bandits who flew into the village were familiar with this battle. After entering the spiritual world, they are more familiar with the nature of the group. Although these people are not weak, but they don't know how to cooperate with a group of people, they were quickly beaten by these gangsters and didn't fight back.

The notoriety of this thief village can spread all over Yuanyang Mountain. Overnight, almost all the spiritual schools in Yuanyang Mountain knew the name of Feicun. When they saw these people, they were all far apart! .

The night is thick, and the dew in the mountains is heavy. These spiritual people did not take tents out, did not have dry food, and even rarely changed clothes. This is the biggest difference from people walking in rivers and lakes.

As long as there is a place to sit down, they can sleep, and as the night deepens, the mountain will be quiet, and spiritual people are looking for a place to rest. but some people still can’t sleep. Taking advantage of the night, a group of people walked cautiously in the mountains. They were dressed in purple robes. They were inconspicuous at night. It was not easy in the mountains and forests. Each holding a sword, they continued to climb the hillside.

These are Ziyang Zhengyuan people. One by one, their noses swelled up and looked embarrassing, thanks to the bandits above!

This is not something they can't bear, it's just the trauma of the practitioner, that is, two or three days of training. But what they can't stand most is this humiliation!

Ziyang Zhengguan was regarded as the "view of emperor" in the Yin Dynasty. His relationship with Yin is very shallow, and he is specifically allowed to wear a purple gown.

During the Xuan-yin War, Ziyang Zhengyuan did not send anyone to help the Yin Emperor on the grounds of practicing and avoiding the world. Perhaps in the heart of the Yin Emperor, this little power of Ziyang Zhengyuan was also in his eyes, just as a **** to control the spiritual circle of the future, and had not yet started to use it.

What surprised both parties was that the demise of the Yin Dynasty was such an destruction. Jiangnan Xuanjun is like a broken bamboo, the real resistance is not big, so he quickly controlled the whole Jiangnan!

This view is in the mountains south of the Yangtze River. For Yinhu, it is too late to think again. With the fall of the Yin Dynasty, Zhengyuan was relieved by this incident. Fortunately, he did not help Yin Emperor to do this to Xuanjun, otherwise it would really lead to the destruction of disaster!

Zhengyuan is the birth of world practice, but it is not completely born. This is not like Ming Chanyuan, directly joining Xuan Jun has a clear stand...

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