Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 313: :soul

The cruel means of horse bandits makes it difficult for Kyoto to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight. Originally wanted to let the courageous army retreat and leave the broken Hu Xiao behind. With the support of the Central Plains, some tribes could unify the grassland so that the army could conquer the grassland.

But unexpectedly, a group of murderers did not blink, and the geese did not leave the "hairy" horse robber born in the air, and continued to do evil on the grassland, committing murder after murder!

The Central Plains people really want to support the puppet "government" on the grassland, and then when the Central Plains culture penetrates into the deepest part of the grassland, the grassland becomes the Central Plains.

But no matter who they are, they don't want to support a horse bandit "government" because they are too ferocious and too hasty. Such people are not happiness to the grassland, but disaster!

In today’s grasslands, not many tribes can directly compete with these bandits, and even those who come and go are helpless. They don’t use the entire tribe to hunt down thousands of miles, right?

Therefore, there are already tribal leaders, bow their heads high, seek help from the Central Plains, and send troops to suppress the bandits. This is why the broken forces came to suppress the bandits.

The Breaking Army has almost no way to ensure that everyone can fight in this battle. This is the application form to join the Xuan Army!

But this name is not so easy to vote. All the way, I only found that the war really took his head alive. Today I can still sit and eat together happily, but maybe after a night, it will become a lonely soul!

"We must go to the same Red Valley to see what happened inside, otherwise we will be too passive in this battle! The camp is here, and people can "harass" whatever they want. Blocking them in their nests will slowly wipe out the entire army!" Xuan Bao frowned and said to the Mouse King.

The Mouse King nodded and said to Xuanbao: "We also thought that tomorrow a reprimand team of twenty people will go to Redstone Mountain. Their task is to find out the layout and defense there, and then send it back to We!" The emperor, promise me that things like this will be left to them, no matter how many people are sacrificed, it is worth it, you can't even suppress things like bandits, you should go to war yourself as a country! I know why you are here, so stay away from these little things! "

Xuanbao thought for a while, and the Mouse King said, "You know, if you let them do it, you probably won't get back half of your manpower!"

"Maybe, but it's worth it!" Of course, the king understood Xuanbao's warning and nodded and said: "The short-term sacrifice is too great, but in the long run, it will only be for these bandits and even for the entire city. Said it is very meaningful!"

Xuan Bao didn't do anything any more, thinking about it, after all, he nodded. He does have a way to go to Redstone Mountain to find out in person. After all, he met a man living in magic tonight. He is not sure about the identity of the other party, but he is sure that he is a member of the horse bandit!

Maybe he is from Redstone Mountain. If there is only one of them, but there are more than five devils in thousands of horse bandits, this is a very terrifying force. These 10,000 anti-bandits are really not enough to kill them! ?

However, there are really so many magical people, and Ironwood Cadre will not leave so many alive people, so there are indeed magical people, and there are not many people.

In this way, Xuanbao put a little bit. If you think about the king of rodents, this is indeed the case. He came to the prairie not for these bandits. Compared with the devil tiger, these bandits are really useless. ..

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