Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 315: : Lift the axe

The painting suddenly realized, and said: "No wonder I can't feel these black-haired monkeys at all. They are all dead!"

Mo Xiaodao said strangely: "Is the underworld stronger than World of Warcraft?" Are these things invincible? "

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"It's really invincible, then the fire monkey will not be killed!" Xuanbao shook his head and said to the crowd: "In fact, the fire monkey has already told us how to deal with these animals!" It is to cut off their heads, which is a bit like Corpse! "

Phantom shook his head and said: "The biggest difference is that corpses turn living creatures into dead things. This is very easy." But the underworld is to make the dead survive, which is very difficult! It seems that the people inside are using magic to do this step, which is great! "

Danniang looked at Phantom and said, "You are the best player in this respect, but now you don't even understand this method, who is that person in it?"

Phantom shook her head, she could not guess who would have the highest magic in the underworld! Just frowned and said, "I heard the tiger call him god?" Is he really the devil? "

There is silence in the crowd. No one knows how to answer this question, because we all know that the great God has only six different parts, and now there is another part. Whether it is a change in this life or a deliberate concealment of the past life, no one now Can guess it.

"Anyway, now we know how to deal with black'hairy' monkeys!" Butterfly Xuan clenched her pink fist and shook it in front of him.

This is really a comforting thing, those black-haired monkeys are really too strong, even the fire unicorns are not afraid of the fire, let alone the axe!

But now you know **** them, it's easy to deal with! This is the weakness of the underworld, the head cannot be lost, they cannot kill at all, because they are dead things!

But once they lose their sanity, even if they are still alive, there is nothing terrible. They can't see or smell. Like headless flies, they can only run around, nothing terrible!

"But don't forget the tiger and the devil!" Xuan Bao looked at the crowd and said solemnly: "The two people are not easy to get along with. If the two people unite, we will have no advantage at all!"

Although in the magic forest, the devil does not "shoot" too much, but everyone can feel the powerful magic spirit in themselves! You can feel that the respect of the devil is really good, maybe the six bodies separated by the big devil are good!

Green Zhuzi blinked his big eyes, looked at Xuan Bao and said, "But they didn't chase us?" Are you afraid of us too? "

Xuanbao frowned slightly and said nothing. People also closed their mouths, meditating, imagining the possibility of "sex" in this sentence. If both the devil and the tiger are convinced that they will not let the Xuanbao person run out, and he will not fail to understand the principle of raising tigers, so when he must kill the Xuanbao, he will not let the enemy run away.

The reason why the Xuanbao person stood here had a good ending, which shows that he was not sure at the time! Xuan Bao recalled every detail of the battle at that time, and thought of the so-called respect of the devil. He didn't seem to have moved at all. He has been sitting there, like a tall king.

Is he deliberately arrogant or because of. He can't move at all? Xuan Bao has been thinking about this issue. Mohu gave most of his repairs to the devil's respect. If he is a trash and cannot move at all, there is nothing to fear for such an enemy! ..

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