Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 318: : Do you want to do this?

Suddenly remembering Yuan 9th, Xuanbao quickly said to Yunchang: "Yuan 9th is injured. Now she is in the original world. Master Qi Sheng is helping her take "medicine". Help her find a place to rest!"

Yun Chang nodded and said, "Well, the seven saints have prescribed "medicine", so you can send her out. There is a place here!" Is her injury serious? "

"This is not serious, but it is very dangerous!" Xuan Bao frowned, and then said to Tong Yao and others: "I have it now. These World of Warcraft exports are all urging World of Warcraft!" They are Once the seeds of the magic world come out, there will be a lot of derivative products! Tong Yao, you have to prepare fire grass, the better! There should be one on Xiling. Once someone is found to be poisoned, use Fireweed to get rid of the poison! "

Tong Yao nodded, turned around and said to Binzhu: "Zhang Huangbang, picking up fireweed and buying it with money is always much faster than we pick it up especially!"

Smith! Xuanbao scratched Tong Yao's nose with his hand, showing love on his face. Tong Yao's face flushed, and he was about to say a few words about him, but suddenly his face changed and he covered her mouth with his hand.

Xuanbao hugged her and said nervously, "What's wrong with you?" Are you sick? I have done it several times. Did you eat the wrong thing? Wait. I will let Qiye come out. You sit down and rest a while! Do not rush to deal with World of Warcraft. Take it easy! "

Lang was so anxious and nervous, Tong Yao also showed a happy expression on his face, and a shy red "color" halo appeared, holding Xuan Bao's hand and said, "I'm fine, don't worry, just."

Before he finished speaking, Xuan Bao frowned and said, "Yan's "color" is a little white, so I can say it!" But how many things have not been done yet, you have to let me rest! Wait, I'll call the seven saints! "

"Really not!" Tong Yao blushed, holding his hand and said: "I'm fine, I have already asked the doctor, don't worry, I am in good health!" In this way, I covered my mouth again.

Xuan Bao was a little angry, and said, "What is your name?" Did you ask any doctor to come? You know that practitioners do not get sick easily, but once they get sick, it will be very serious and even affect your practice. Why are you doing this? "

Half of the Xuanbao was very strange, but seeing her face with shame and resentment, the few people beside her blushed and giggled, making Xuanbao very strange. What happened to these people? !

Xue Ruo sighed and shook his head and said, "My lord Prince, you are still a relative, and you have the son of Emperor Long!"

Xuan Bao was stunned, and he didn't understand why this witty military teacher said to him like this, as if someone else had also glanced at him. Even Tong Yao in her arms blushed with shame, holding his chest with both hands. He looks like a little daughter. Where is Her Majesty? !

"What's the matter?" The Xuanbao person felt a fog, and Bingzhu was really right. He really didn't understand the thoughts of girls!

Yunshan sighed and shook his head. His brother said angrily: "You are a prankster, are you not good to you?"

"Hurt joy?" Xuan Bao was stunned, his eyes widened, and he appeared in front of Tong Yao in surprise. What followed was a huge surprise enveloped in his heart, his hands clasped Tong Yao's shoulders, incredibly Ask her: "Do you have one?"

Tong Yao's small face almost oozes blood, and in front of the unresponsive person, she closed her lips and lowered her head gently.

She Xuanbao laughed, picked up Tong Yao, carefully placed it on the next chair, and kept saying: "I'm going to have another son!" He got it! I'm going back and telling the master to listen to me! Tell the teacher that I still have a son! "..

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