Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 329: : Have you ever invaded?

Hearing such a cry without eyebrows, the faces of the giants "exposed" an incredible expression. A giant hummed coldly: "The Emperor?" Princess? Do you think we are idiots? How did they get here? Pretend to be the emperor of the gods and go to hell! "When he spoke, he raised his right leg and stood in front of Xuan Bao!

Dare to step on the emperor, this is disrespectful! Xuanbao snorted coldly, and a picture on his back flew up like lightning, stretched out his right hand, slapped him on the head, patted him directly, his body turned into stone chips and fell to the ground!

Due to the hum of iron, the body suddenly became bigger, even taller than the giant. Looking at the arrogant giants, they scolded angrily: "Who dares to take the liberty?"

A group of giants were stunned by these two men's methods. Some people whispered: "It's the Dragon Emperor." Only the emperor can turn the Dragon King's steel into pieces for the sake of stubborn stones! ? He is the Emperor of God, he is the Emperor of God! "

Following the constant chatter of the man, all the giants knelt on the ground and bowed to Xuan Bao for mercy. They can cross the East China Sea. Even if they encounter people with low morale, they cannot fall behind. But when facing the people of God, they have a kind of instinctive awe. Facing the emperor, they have to worship sincerely, not even the slightest Of disobedience!

Xuanbao hummed coldly, looked at these kneeling people, giants who are taller than everyone, and said coldly: "Have you ever been invaded by demons?"

The giant looks like a leader. He was defending himself just now. At this moment, he would never see that savage again. He bowed his head obediently and said: "We boulders have no heart, only our brains, so we are not invaded by demons!" The most direct way for demons to deal with mortals or humans is to invade the soul. In this way, a person can quickly become a puppet of an evil spirit. This method is much easier than demoralizing people or magical fighters, but it does not mean that the success rate is high. Evil people have a higher mortality rate than demoralized people and magic warriors, and there is almost no chance of success.

When she heard the giant's explanation, she nodded inexplicably. She had talked with Chiva and Baha before and asked about the human condition. Only the giants of the big rock have no heart. They are all hard-hearted people, but they can live without heart.

Because it was not invaded by demons, it was easily accepted. Dashi people do not have a heart, nor a heart. They are easily deceived, otherwise they will not be inspired by the evil dragon and easily abandon the path of heaven to fight against God and man.

But their strength is very strong. They are the most brutal among the pagans. The Three Stones can break into the serious wounds of the palace guards. Such strength is beyond others!

So Xuanbao also wanted to recruit them to the original world, but although these guys have no heart, their brains are not stupid. The evil dragons treat them well, and they even give up the way of heaven in order to repay their kindness and want them. It shouldn’t be so easy if you change the course again!

"You have broken the way to heaven, you can't make any more mistakes! I'll give you a chance to make up for your sins. Do you want to obey my orders?" People with these big rocks don't have to go around in the bushes , So Xuan Bao also walked straight to them and said what he was thinking.

Unexpectedly, these people shook their heads, and the leader said to Xuanbao: "Although you are the emperor of God, you can't let us stone people become ungrateful people!" We will not help you deal with the evil dragon family! "


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