Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 486: : Stay this moment

Rip the world and turn everything into wontons.

I don't know how long after the war, Black Turtle's palm was still pierced by the fairy sword, making him roar in anger, but unfortunately, the fairy sword was like a nail in his palm.

It caused him to be more restricted, and immediately he was not covered with knife marks, but in the dark breath, he soon recovered and there was nothing.

Black Turtle seemed to be irritated and completely ignored the other six fairy swords, holding a thorn in one palm, and pulling out the fairy sword directly with the other hand.

Grabbing his hand, it rang louder, making Dao Liu speechless, and he saw some small cracks in the fairy sword.

However, the fairy's light flashed, and the smooth surface was restored.

One fairy sword fell into the hands of the black turtle, and the other six fairy swords were held in the hands of six identical people. At the same time, they drank a very simple sword and cut off the black turtle's head at the same time, without any brilliance.

"Who dares to bully my Xiao Hei, a weapon, dare to be so presumptuous, really when I don't exist?" A voice sounded in the void.

There is a gap in the gap, and a person strode out from inside, with a bad tone, and at the same time a horrible breath spread, making people seem to be facing the entire path of heaven.

Dao Liu couldn't bear the pressure, so he knelt directly on the ground, shaking all over, and couldn't help kneeling on the man's head.


The six characters opened at the same time, shocking Daoliu. This is a supreme legend. There is a supreme existence in this world.

The man snorted coldly and said bluntly, "Xiao Hei, come to me, I see anyone who dares to touch you, an elf soldier, dare to touch my people."


Separating the fairy sword in the hands of the black turtle and the other six fairy swords, and forming the newly formed Seven Fairy Sword Formation, a feeling of war broke out immediately.

As if eager to fight with the supremacy, they all send out dragon songs, as if waiting for endless years are waiting for this moment.

"If you want a world war, I will give you a war. If you fight for me, you will be suppressed in the north, so you will always sink into the endless sea of ​​unknown sun." A man's domineering way .

"Once!" The seven gods always have the same high level of war consciousness. The man laughed loudly and said, "In that case, let's go to war outside."

The sword formation of the Seven Immortals cut into the void and disappeared directly into the place. The man was converging with the supreme aura, which made Dao Liu feel no pressure and couldn't help looking up at the man.

The man just glanced indifferently, that kind of pride is not pretentious, but the person standing on the top can really do it, everything is not in the eyes.

Only for a while, Dao Liu was stunned, because he saw the person's true face, and only at that moment, that person ripped the void with a black tortoise.

I feel that the bones of my whole body are going to fall apart. It is not over yet. My whole body has been severed, as if it was cut off by countless knives on his body.

"Oh, it hurts."

I cried, knowing that at the last moment, he was enveloped in black gas, and then a familiar character appeared.

Black tortoise, as long as there is a black tortoise, he will be fine, but the memory only knows what is in front of him, and he doesn't know the rest.

Familiar feeling...



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