Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 598: : Gushing from the text

Although it has not yet reached the seal of God, it is not far away!

Even in his offensive methods, he also brought a sacred breath, which made Yin Huaikang suddenly think of the word "half-god" state!

In these three areas, since the chaos, only a few people have been able to step into the semi-sacred world, such as the rare circumstances of the open world.

And this small group of people are all from God Yanshan!

The reason is that only Shenyan Mountain has the inheritance of "infinite gods", and only Shenyan Mountain has such a magical place as "alchemy gods".

But the most important thing is that all this inheritance was realized by God Yanshan Fuxi from the river map!

In other words, the reason why Shenyanshan allowed his disciples to set foot on the "demi-god" realm is entirely because of Hetu's credit, and as we all know, in these three areas, there is only one Hetu!

"By the way, this son of a **** will bring a lot of river map fragments."

Suddenly, Yin Huaihong was moved in his heart during the war. When he thought of one thing, his eyes suddenly brightened. "As long as I kill this son, I will not only get the big Luotian Skynet, tie the **** rope, rest the earth for nine days, release the lights in the virtual sky, but also get a lot of river map fragments!"

Thinking of this, Yin Huaikang looked into my eyes, in addition to the cold murder opportunity, but also with a trace of fiery greed, even if he had already stepped into his state of mind, he could face this incomparable temptation to "confuse", he couldn't help himself.

"Kill, let's go together, anyway, kill this son today!" Yin Huaihong screamed, some people couldn't wait to unite multiple forces to make a quick decision. However, at the moment he opened his mouth, my sword was shining, and suddenly a mysterious and mysterious soul of the sword sprayed out, and with a light wave, it was a wisp of Long hair in the sky.

If he doesn't dodge in time, the sword will kill him!

While splitting the sword, I suddenly stepped into the open air, roaring, space and time erupted, the world suddenly changed, and a great **** rose from the ground and gushed out of endless runes, Echoing each other, shrouded in this world.

These gods are runes, dense and vast as stars, mysterious and magnificent, inspiring a sacred breath, surging with divine light, imprisoned time and space, shrouded in all things.

"God's ban!"

"Did this **** raise a ban immediately?"

A shout echoed, and the faces of the disciples were shocked. They couldn't help but show a trace of stagnation, and they recognized the heaven and earth, which was forbidden by a mysterious and mysterious god.

Build a large group of gods in one step!

Among them, the transpiration of divine **** and the breath of divine **** overflowed, exuding a terrifying aura, shrouded in this world.

The crowd is creepy and unbelievable.

Even though I knew that I was a disciple of Yanshan God, in their perception, I was just a realm of immortals. No one could imagine that at this moment, only by his own practice can he establish a sacred confinement!


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