Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 601: : Resolutely escaped

"To fight against the spirit of Toko, you must go all out. You used to have thoughts, but you are behind. According to my guess, if you play normally, there will be at least a dozen ways to resist this. One blow."

There was a trace of beating iron rhyme in her heart. Betty heard my calm words, and her heart became quiet unknowingly, listening carefully to my experience of helping herself.

I asked "How do you feel?"

Betty looked calm, and a fierce battle ignited in her eyes again. He nodded and said, "My ex, I want to fight again!"

I nodded, but I was worried that I had collapsed under this pressure of life and death, but Betty did not.

Even I couldn't help but marvel at the girl's gritty heart, and my heart began to admire each other more and more.

From early morning to evening, the sound of fighting was heard from time to time in the area, and it did not end.

The setting sun was like a fire, shining on Betty's beautiful cheeks, with a firm and divine brilliance.

Her strength was almost exhausted, her face was pale, and her body was covered in cold sweat. She was shaking involuntarily in the palm of the sword.

She has long forgotten how many times she has failed and experienced death crises. What she knows is that after every failure, she has more opportunities to defeat the opponent, which is an inestimable benefit to her future practice.

So she kept gritting her teeth and never thought of giving up.

Repeatedly defeated!

The more frustrated, the more brave!

After being tempered by blood and fire, sweat and tenacious struggle, even with mediocre talents, this life is destined to be extraordinary.

In this process, I have always played the role of a guardian. Whenever Mrs. Betty is in trouble, he will help him correct his lack of fighting methods.

In his heart, at this moment, Tieyun's Betty, like a silkworm chrysalis, is trying to break Karen, wanting to transform the butterfly, he can't help but look forward to where the girl can go in the future.

Mrs. Betty was defeated here, but when I took her to rest for a while and picked up her banner again, the fat man roared to the extreme, and the figure flashed from a distance.

It's suffocating!

Every time I wanted to kill each other, I was taken away. Soon, I rushed over and killed him again and again.

This made the culprit of the fat animal almost blown up. At the same time, I had a lot of fear in my heart. It was clear that the power of this young man was too terrible. If he shot, he would only be afraid of being killed.

So, in the end, it resolutely escaped!

When I took off my eyebrows, he found that she could use her skills to end this fat end. Now, the reason she can't do this is because she has spent too much money recently.

So I have planned to wait for Betty to fully return to her state, and then kill the fat man in one fell swoop, but now that the other side has escaped, I may not agree yet.

Almost at the moment when fat escaped, I was also flashed by a figure, chasing each other.

"My friend, if you wronged you, just stay!" I "fumbled" my hand, turned it into a cover for the gods, and wrapped it up.

When I saw this blow, I had to completely close the road, but at this time, a sharp whistle broke the sky suddenly appeared.

An arrow tore through time and space and died at an incredible speed.

This makes my face sink suddenly, do you want to take advantage of the fire? ..

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