Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 626: ; Left by ancestors

They seemed vaguely guessed the identity of the church master, but because they were too shocking and incredible, they couldn't believe it for a short period of time.

The Lord of God did not notice these descendants of God, or he did not notice them from beginning to end.

This mountain and the thatched houses on this mountain are what he really cares about.

After Taitang gave a feeling to others, he began to walk along the rugged mountain road, very close to the thatched hut in the distance.

He walked slowly, as if walking leisurely.

Soon, when he came to the thatched hut, the owner did not push the door into the simple or even trembling hut, but stood in front of the turquoise stone in front of the thatched hut.

"At that time, Fuxi got the map of the river, lived here, slept in the wind, sheltered from the cold and summer, buried his head on the road, and worked hard for eight thousand years. Finally, he had a little final body and an insight. When it comes to the ultimate mystery, only today has Shenyanshan's achievement, but unfortunately, because he is trapped in the motherland, this Shenyanshan has not been able to find anyone who can compete with him. This is really sad."

The master sat on the turquoise stone casually, looking at the endless stars and countless stars in the distance, and sighed.

Although he sighed, his voice was illusory, but there was no trace of mood swings.

When I saw the owner of the church ignoring his attitude and sitting casually on the bluestone, many people's eyes changed slightly.

Especially, they left the center, Tie Yunhai, their eyes were already full of unabashed anger.

The piece of turquoise seemed ordinary, but it left traces of vicissitudes of life on the surface. Legend has it that Fuxi's ancestors sat and understood this place, like a sacred sign.

Even if they are here, they can only watch religiously and dare not go forward to create the era, but now people in black are sitting on it, but they don't avoid it. This is blasphemous!

The master seemed to realize something, his eyes fell on those who left the center, and so on. When he looked into their resentful eyes, he couldn't help shaking his head again.

"If the ancestors left behind only for worship, it would undoubtedly be the dust of pearls. You bought pearls. Your offspring have not broken through this point so far. In terms of achievement, how can you surpass Fuxi, let alone Fuxi? Up?"

The master "touched" the bluestone, sat down with his hand, crossed his fingertips on the surface of the mottled bluestone, and let out a faint cry.

In a word, the anger that makes people stay away from the center and the eyes of others intensifies. If it weren't for the confinement of the body, I'm afraid everything would be hopeless with too many masters.

At this time, Master seemed to be a little interested and stood up and pointed at the turquoise. "It seems that you don’t believe it. If I tell you that this bluestone is the highest inheritance left to you by Fuxi, would you blame yourself for having no eyes and no beads? ?"

Li Yang and others squinted their eyes, obviously startled by these words, a little unbelievable.

This stone named after the **** of death belongs to a force that originated in the ultimate reincarnation sequence, just like the record and punishment of an evil pen. At that time, Fuxi and the three emperors claimed that the emperor won the record and the pen of evil, and Fuxi won the stone.

Master Taihang casually talked about the secrets of the world, no matter what the people of Yanshan God thought, he said to himself "At that time, he won three great thoughts, so he used his records and evil pens to be full of ambitions, trying to establish reincarnation. Control the sky order under the reincarnation, but unfortunately, he was eventually defeated."

Everyone was stunned. Many people hadn't even heard of such a thing, and their eyes couldn't help becoming more "confused". Why did the other party say this? ..

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