Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 850: : Don't come again [Guild for subscription]

"Oh, I really hope that every generation of palace masters in Tianxin Palace will be called Tianxin. When they accept their disciples and pass on the title of palace master, Tianxin's name will be passed down, and there will be no name. This little girl seems to be you. His disciple is also the master of this generation of Heavenly Palace."

"Indeed, as my elders said, she is my disciple." My mother-in-law asked in a low voice, "My predecessor, do you know what happened in Central Heaven?"

"Central Heaven!" The voice was a bit cold. "Of course, I know, why?"

There are rumors that the true gods who fought for the slaughter of gods did not die, but were hidden in the central heaven. Even several great emperors were sent to the trial, and now they are all killed!

"You can't interfere with this kind of thing now."

"The time and space of the World War were chaotic. There was too much involved. Now if the real fairy is born, your little boy can't compete! Moreover, you no longer have a body, you will not Borrow it.?

"I know that there are other big people calling people to deal with this disaster. I will modify it to be humble, but I also want to participate in it. The younger generation is not for the birth of this world, but because my teacher died. In the hands of the real gods. Now my body is destroyed and my soul is abandoned, but I can hold on for a while." Mother-in-law said.

"I also know that the big man in your mouth does have some power, but you are far away from it. The peak period is only the kingdom of the quasi-emperor." the voice said.

"The younger generation knows that their elders are kind, but they still want to give it a try." Mother-in-law said.

"Whatever, don't slow down."

"Don't your elders want to contact him?" In her mother-in-law's mouth, he naturally refers to the funeral host.

"There is no need to do that."

"My predecessor, I know that there is still a hermit on the emperor's star. Who doesn't know the younger generation. I don't know if the predecessors know?" the mother-in-law asked.

"Oh, we all know each other's existence, but we have never seen each other for so many years, why are you looking for him?"

"This is also to ask the true gods in Central Heaven."

"There is no need, because it makes sense for us to appear not far away. He doesn't want you to disturb his peaceful life, but once something happens in Central Paradise, we will not stand by and watch, but even if we stand up, it is difficult to say Will we win or lose."

"The younger generation knows that the younger generation is leaving." Mother-in-law said.

"Go ahead, don't come again."

"Oh!" With a loud noise, the mother-in-law controlled Chu Yuelian's body into the sky and soon disappeared.

The soul power of the old dog "old man" exploded.

"Huh?" Black Turtle replied, "For so many years, you rarely come to me on the initiative."

"Is this rare? You never came to me on the initiative." said the old dog.

"Let's go, what's the matter?" Black Tortoise asked.

"Central Paradise"

"Well, not long ago, there was a great emperor, but without a soul, it seems that something will happen to the character in it."

"Are you sure?" the old dog asked. ..

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