Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 896: :Variables [Guiqiu subscribe]

He was impolite then.

As soon as I moved in my heart, I asked Zhao Xiangshan in the magic pool.

It was just a round of shock that made the already weak Zhao Xiangshan quite frustrated, but he heard about my exploration, but the spirit was great, he knew that this was the beginning of my trust.

Zhao Xiangshan thought for a while and put forward his own suggestions:

"If you put yourself in one place, you can do it. If the Celestial Army thinks that he has no obvious chance of winning and he is temporarily unable to control the situation, then he can also temporarily exert pressure."

"In any case, we don't do it. Bad is bad in the eyes of the festival!"

I laughed in astonishment.

That's right. Why is he fighting now?

Mrs. Huang Quan also said that the restoration of the Qing Dynasty was meaningless until the situation changed a lot.

Now, all the capital is in one's own body, there is nothing to lose in the outside world;

No matter what Mrs. Huang Quan thinks, the previous plan has won him enough prestige;

The Bodhisattva is such a hand in the dark sky, and it also gave him a nearly perfect reason to get out of the increasingly dangerous environment.

He is about to make good use of this space.

He still needs to accumulate, or at least adjust, to digest the feelings he has just received abroad and sort out the unfathomable factors such as Mrs. Huang Quan and Zhao Xiangshan in his empty heart. How can he compare with the ghost king Luocha, the Great Black Buddha and Bodhisattva?

Of course, he can't just give up like that.

After thinking for a while, he said to Yurui: "Now you should know what to do. You can help Mrs. Xia, and you can even let Zhai Fei get what you want, but you can't let these two people get what you want. "

"Let Xiao Wu follow you. Everything can be discussed with Yuan Jun. By the way, Yeats has almost sorted out the traces of Master Ye Dao. It is time for his family to take it away!" you know.

I'm just talking about a general principle. There is a double connection between them, witchcraft and the network of gods. What happened? Communication with each other is the most convenient.

One of the important reasons, God always likes to find a spiritual witch to become a "tool" is one of the important reasons.

At this time, I naturally thought of Murong Qingyan.

This woman. Amazing.

According to Mrs. Huang Quan's memory, a spiritual witch in the world has a close relationship with her. That day, one of the two tea sets that appeared in my heart and the gauze clothes that fell on the ground belonged to her.

In a sense, Mrs. Huang Quan drove her to do things, but the problem is that Murong has amazing negotiation skills, which is another way of saying that she can be called a broker.

She also worked for at least four troops, including King Rosha Gu, Mrs. Huang Quan, Wen Men, and Magic Door.

Although Mrs. Huang Quan controlled her in a unique way and used her to collect information from various parties, she always regarded it as a "variable."

Of course I will not ignore it and tell you that the stamens should be careful at twelve.

You Rui said yes one by one, but the strange thing is what I want to do now.

"I, uh, fix something."

My heart was erased from the bright moon hanging in the vast pool, and a short-term goal was determined.

The biggest advantage of searching for the memory of Mrs. Luo Huangquan is the richness of information.

According to God's copper law, there is no secret to him.

As for why the restoration work should be put on the agenda according to God's bronze, it is because this is a step to eliminate instability.

It's about Mrs. Mirage on the other side.


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