Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 910: : My eyes [guild for subscription]

"Under your leadership, we seem to be surrounded by demons." I raised my eyebrows and said.

I was also very careful when entering Cong Yunling. Although I had talked with Cen Wanbing, but the spirit had spread, but the devil obviously had some special methods, so when I found out, he was already under siege.

"Fart, why I can't feel it." ZTE naturally has his own means, but when he is full of confidence and words, his face does not change instantly. Obviously he also feels the existence of the devil family.

"Be alert, ready to go to war!" At this time, he could no longer argue with me, given that a Tier 9 sword was already in his hand.

At the same time, Qian Wanbing also held a Tier 9 Spiritual Sword, while Qian Liqi and Zen Liu Bo both held an additional Tier 8 Spiritual Sword.

"Two magic saints, nine holes in the sky, more than a hundred people spying on the magic clan, is there a way to fight this battle?" I smiled slightly.

"What if you don't fight? Since we are surrounded, don't you even have the courage to fight a world war?" Central ZTE seemed to remember nothing. He brought everyone into this desperate situation, but right I am a little bit critical and cynic.

"Brother Liu, get ready to fight. Don't escape. People in the underworld are inherently cruel. Once they fall into their hands, it's not just death!" Zeng Wanbing stopped and said, "Once the war starts, you can't leave me. Ten feet away, at least you can be safe this time, but we may not be able to help you."

"No, the power to activate the spirit and protect another person will weaken. This time, there are two magical saints. If we can't kill them, it will be difficult for us to get rid of it!" Before I spoke, Qianzhong Bank immediately objected."Since we are going to go together now, we must advance and retreat together, we don’t have to discuss this matter anymore!" At this time, Chen Wanbing changed his previous attitude of discussing everything with Cen Zhongxing. Said in an arguing tone.

ZTE frowned slightly and wanted to say a few more words, but in the end he held back and looked into my eyes with another murderous opportunity.

"In fact, maybe there is no need to fight the devil." I didn't expect Qian Wanbing to have such persistence at the time, and he also had a good impression of it.

"If you don't fight hard, will you surrender to the devil?" asked sarcastically, "you may not know the fate of surrendering to the devil, do you?"

"Can't we hide?" At the same time, I asked again and again, drawing more stones in my hand.

At this time, I felt that the devil was constantly "approaching", and I didn't dare to be careless, so I rushed to depict the spiritual arrangement on the spiritual stone.

"Are you still a technician?" Qian Wanbing was also stunned watching my actions, but I was a little relieved before thinking of the powerful pearl explosive device, but thinking of the devil's methods, or shaking my head: "It's useless , The devil’s black spirit is very sensitive to fluctuations in mental power, and ordinary mental arrays do not work at all."

"Try it. Even if you are discovered, this is a big deal. If you can avoid it, you will make money!" I responded at the same time, but the hand movement was not slow at all.

"Mr. Liu has the perseverance of the Yellow River, let us see his skills!" ZTE sneered again.

He believes that it is obvious that I have never been in contact with the devil, nor do I know the power of the devil. Now that the devil has avoided it, it is also a good choice to watch my jokes before the battle. In any case, they have a last resort and there is absolutely no real danger. As for whether they have lost the chance of revenge, Qian Zhongxing does not care from the bottom of his heart. ..

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