Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 918: : Courtesy of both parties [guild for subscription]

"Su Yushuang has seen the deputy generals and commanders of the whole army!" When he entered the camp of the regiment headquarters, Su Yushuang immediately began to salute him.

Although she is Su Guanglun's daughter, in the barracks, only the position has no personal relationship. This is also the rule of the army.

Hearing Su Yushuang's voice, people stopped working and turned around.

"General Su did a good job this time!"

"It's all our fault. We didn't listen to General Su's words and almost made the army a dead end!"

"Yes, fortunately, General Su is a tiger father. There is no dog girl. The heroine will not let her eyebrows "hair" to save this catastrophe, which has dealt a heavy blow to the underworld!"

Looking at Su Yushuang, whether it was out of inner self-blame, or for the flattery of pro-Su and his daughter, or for other purposes, in short, everyone did not hesitate to say good things for a period of time.

"Report to the head of the army that the sacred envoy is going to visit!" At this moment, the guards entered the barracks.

"Please!" Su Guanglun was slightly shocked and immediately understood that what happened here was expected to have spread to the holy city Sharif, so the holy city Sharif would send a holy messenger.

No matter what the holy city means, the visit of the divine messenger is not allowed. After all, it represents the visit of the city master. No matter what secret exchanges between each other, this obvious etiquette cannot be lost.

Then six people came in through the camp gate. Although none of them knew me, they could see at a glance that all six of them had arrived at the Holy Land.

Especially for a messenger, I am more likely to feel that the strength of the other party is definitely not under Luo Sihai.

Looking at the holy city, it can send six strong saints to travel as they please. I immediately realized that the details of the six management families in the holy city are definitely not as simple as they saw.

"You have put in a lot of effort in this battle. In order to express his gratitude, the city owner specially presented some gifts to show his prizes. I will read the order of the lord of the city below!" On both sides After the polite gesture, the saint opened his mouth and said.


"In the recent battle, our army broke the underworld and greatly enhanced the power of our holy land. We should go to the front to reward all the generals and soldiers. There is no time for things to entangle together. Special orders to mourn for me!" Immediately ordered the execution of the city's orders.

"Thank you, God!" While thanking in unison, Su Guanglun took the city's order.

"The people in the city heard the heavy blow to the underworld army by the army chief and were so happy that they didn't close their eyes for two days. This is a reward for the whole army!" said the saint, and handed the other bracelet to Su Guanglun.

"Thank you, God!" Although he was just a saint in front of him, he represented the master of the city, and Su Guanglun did not dare to appreciate it at all.

"Then the task of this city owner has been completed, we don't need to be so restrained!" The minister continued, "I don't know if I can win a major victory this time, but I don't know if this victory will reach the enemy. Go into your belly."

"I don't know what happened. It's not that they came back. I haven't had time to figure out the situation!" Su Guanglun is also a shrewd person. I don't know how I discussed it. He will not decide what to say in advance, but will give him the opportunity to talk to them.


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