Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 958: : Respond to [Guild for subscription]

"In fact, the various forces in the next gathering also need to form an alliance. Before that, Brother Lu has reached an agreement with the impermanence of the sword. Our temple and Lingxiao Pavilion have moved forward and retreated together. Now Brother Lu has not returned, since I take the lead. , I can’t let our temple call it someone who doesn’t believe it!” Du Wenbin said with difficulty immediately.

alliance? I can't help but frown. Although he didn't know what the so-called ancient reunion was about at the time, it was natural that the participants came from various forces, so they should unite together.

In the secret world of ancient times, Lu Ancai and Sword's impermanence are indeed the same stuffy nose. It is not surprising that the two have such an agreement.

Of course, Lu An and Jian Wuchang have an alliance, but Lu An hasn't come yet. If they really don't realize the alliance between Lu An and Jian Wuchang, it makes sense.

But at this time, Du Wenbin said this obviously to give me something ugly. After all, the relationship between me and Jane was impermanent, and now the whole heaven is no longer a secret.

"Brother Du Shaoan is anxious. The original alliance was meant by Brother Lu. We don't know what it is. We don't know. I don't think people often say that we should get the knife first!" As soon as Master Ling Xu left, Du Wenbin couldn't wait to let him I was embarrassed, but Shen Yun's heart was full of contempt.

If you want to humiliate me, why do you rush away for a while? After a while, I arrived at the ancient guild hall and kicked me away from the public so that everyone could see me hiding in the temple like a dog, but I was finally abandoned by the temple, which is even more unpleasant!

Although Shen Yun was defeated by Du Wenbin, he still despised the behavior of such a small person."Shen's disciple said it makes sense!" Although his heart did expand to a certain extent after the tremendous increase in his strength, Du Wenbin was not a stupid person. At this time, he also reacted immediately, "Then we better hurry up, there will be more benefits if you arrive early!"

When they spoke, whether I agreed or not, they rushed over immediately!

I certainly don't believe that Shen Yun will save himself after class. Although he could not guess what the mentality of these two people was at the time, I am still following up. After all, it is difficult to see Du Wenbin again, and I naturally don't want to follow this clue.

Guju Pavilion is located in the center of the ancient city. It looks like a restaurant, but its size is arguably the largest restaurant I have ever had.

However, today’s ancient guild hall does not have a single person on it, and there are two rows of city defenses standing at the door, and these guards have the early habits of the unity of nature and man, and none of them conceal their aura, even if they only have to go out. Give people inexplicable pressure?

"Three sons, please show me your mark!" However, when the three of them walked to the door, the city hall immediately had a leader among the heavens, and people also came out, but even in the heaven and the people In the middle, but now facing me, this person is still full of respect at the beginning.

Obviously, they are arranged here to check everyone who enters the ancient pavilion to ensure that they are all children entering the ancient secret world.

And you must know that those who dare to go to the ancient guild hall today are the elites of the young generation in the sky. They have a powerful force behind them, so the leader and human beings in the heavenly kingdom naturally don't dare to have a little pressure.

It is said that Du Wenbin and Shen Yun immediately took out their vouchers, but now I am a little embarrassed to take out their identity signs. ..

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