Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 1029: : Gangster Mask [Guild for subscription]

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Sha Huo left the palace and immediately came to the palace. Shama saw Sha Huo and ran over happily: "Brother Sha Huo, I am here."

"Unwelcome" Sha Huo coldly, passing by Shama, staring at Long Bo, looked at several eyes and said: "Are you the genius Long Bo of the Universiade Dynasty?"

"There is no such thing as a genius in the world. It is actually Long Bo at the bottom." Long Bo fell back blankly and looked at Sha Huo. He was very surprised. Sha Huo is a kind of six yuan kung fu. The dissipated heat seemed to be dominated by firepower, reaching a very high level.

"You should be the first and dare to break into the hills and sand castles alone." Sha Huo sneered several times: "I want to know what you rely on to make you so bold?"

"Of course there is, but we may talk about it. After all, I promise Sharma that we will turn war into silk." Long Bo added: "You can rest assured that I am not interested in sand, as long as You let them go, everyone is safe and sound."

Shahuo's face was solemn, and the calm voice: "What if I don't let it go?"

"The consequences are serious." Long Bo is not afraid of the way.

"Arrogance is extreme!" The sound of the sand fire fell, a beam of flames emanated from the palm of the palm, the disc of dawn moved, the flames raged, and the power of the palm was washed away.

The flame of the sun fireball, which is still hot, affects the surrounding area, as if the space is burning, a trace of flame remains in the air, passing over Longbo's head, splitting into a ball of flame, and suddenly falling down.


Today's Long Bo has no young ignorance. He has inherited the dragon's inheritance and has learned a lot of skills, especially the worship of unmarked teachers. With this kind of teaching by Master Gao, various skills are very profound.

His face was gloomy, the turbulent mixed gas roared out like the sea, the majestic Sky Harbor was drenched like a flood, strange magic flowed like the wind, and several forces became a shield in the sky. ?

After forming the gangster mask, there is a strong wave used in the four ripples, like the continuous waves on the sea, which looks beautiful, but hides the huge surge force, and the invisible killing machine.

"Today is a big day."

The surge force of the body is accompanied by Qi, initially accompanied by masculinity. Propelled by the mixed gas, if the big gang knocks it out, it will cover the entire burning flame.

Divine power?

Sha Huo was stunned. Seeing the flames turned into nothing, the powerful boxer roared, his body shape hurriedly stepped back, and the flames rushed into the ring in all directions.

Gangquan’s hidden mixed element heavenly righteousness, driven by the illusory spirit of the emperor, the surging power of Tiangantiangang still surpassed the magical turning of the flame, severely shattered the flame cohesion, and gravity shot down on the sand.

When the fist hit the body, sparks erupted, even if the sand fire scattered and took a few steps, he vomited a mouthful of blood along the way.

Sharon is stupid! To repel the Sandfire Prince? He is not only a quaternion soul master, but also a quaternion martial arts man. He also held the sacred "gang qigong" in his hand. Gang Qi and flame belong to the same attribute. In the end, Prince Shahu suffered a lot of losses in this regard.

Sha Huo's cold eyes stared, holding his hands to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, his self-esteem suffered a serious trauma, only one day, he reached Yuan when he was only one year old, and now Long Bo has lost, which is unacceptable to him.

"God of Holy Fire!" ..


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