Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 8 Chapter 60: Consequences of disturbed power

The small and cute face became serious, the blond hair hidden under the cloak was windless, and the falling waves swept the foam again, and quickly rose behind Mi Xia, the dark red figure retreated sharply, and another On the one hand, the hydrofoil is rippling with powerful magic and quickly closes, as if wrapped into a transparent egg!

But what can be faster than mental power? The human spirit can reach the vast universe with a single thought. What's more, the fighting intensity of angels and demons is such a strong battle?

The huge divine power in the hydrofoil swept it away, but the weird and condensed all the magical power of Xie Chen's attack was silent, and suddenly pierced Mi Xia's eyebrows.

The white eyebrows seemed to ripple, and then the inexplicable power melted into his forehead.

The tightly closed water wings shook, and the whole body was like a solid egg against the background of the magic circle and Cang Yue. The source of evil carried the power of the devil and rushed into Mi Xia's mind. The petite girl was dressed in a red monastic dress. , The whole behind was shaken out of a phantom, as if a holy and fuzzy shadow with white wings.

The full moon that had originally hung high in the night sky suddenly burst, and what became a spot of light was the golden shadow that was shot out of Mi Xia's body. The world seemed to be able to feel the collapse of a magical power. , The night receded like a tide, leaving only the orange light rising at dawn rippling above the sea level.

Its daybreak.

The night that was summoned by the magic of ‘Power of God’ has changed back to the original moment.

Xie Chen lay on the beach, the sweat on his forehead blew through the sea and mixed with fine sand. He was really embarrassed, but there was a bright smile on his mouth. Even in the face of an enemy who was immediately subverting the world, he was still a victory. The one.

——Although the magic power in the body is empty, for a demon who stays behind for a while, it is really a bit uneasy.

But he turned his head, and next to him was a young girl in a dark red monastic dress. The golden hair was scattered on the beach, mixed with fine gravel, but her face was obviously changing, before she turned into a crack Sasha who is familiar with.

"Xie Chen!" Not far away, Shenchai and Kamijou Mai's figure ran towards him. The shouting voice was mixed with the sound of the waves, like the song of victory. Xie Chen sighed in relief, his empty head swelled. Finally exhausted... I closed my eyes.

I haven’t felt this for a long time. There is no part of the body that is not sore. Xie Chen has a lot of dreams. In the dreams, there are many deaths in the dungeon. There are also many girls’ smiles, Kirishima's. ...White...and Xie Li's...their smiles swayed from her face one by one, her chest was warm and swelling, but there seemed to be something small in her bones chewing, making the whole thing so soggy The body is itchy.

A warm softness slowly landed on his forehead, stimulating Xie Chen's mind to immediately wake up, he opened his eyes, the low ceiling, the Japanese-style residence, here is still a seaside hotel. "Master, you, you are awake..." Shang Tiao Mai's lips had just left Xie Chen. At this time, it was like being caught upright, her pretty face flushed. The tears on his cheeks have not yet flowed, and a smile of joy has already bloomed on his lips.

Xie Chen nodded, sat up, the sky was bright, and it seemed that it was noon, "How long have I been in a coma? Mai."

Kamijou Mai wetted the veil from the tub and carefully touched his forehead, with a dry hoarse voice, "You have been in a coma for three days."

Three days? Xie Chen was startled slightly and frowned. It seemed that this battle was not only consuming his magical spirit and physical strength, but also other things.

"You boy is so bold!" A voice with a little tiredness sounded from his mind, and Olaos was asleep this time as if he was even more tired, and he was a little weak in speaking.

"Olaos, you are awake." Xie Chen responded in his heart, somehow he was a little guilty. He did calculate Olaos this time. When he launched the source of evil, he was desperate. All the magical power in the body, mental and physical strength was exhausted, and he had been pondering the existence of Olaos.

If the other party deposits it in a spiritual way, then if his spirit dissipates, the other party will definitely be severely damaged. It's like two people have negotiated a contract, and half of the contract is fulfilled. One party suddenly died. The consequences are unimaginable. Of course, Xie Chen's calculation is based on Olaos's growth and he didn't interfere much later. Perhaps because of this, the host was forced to change.

But Xie Chen also knew that he was only planning for the worst, that is, to force Olaos to not let him die at the last moment. This kind of thing is naturally indispensable.

"Oh, if I don't wake up again, you're afraid that you're going to stir up the sky!" Olaos is not very angry, "Do you know how big a basket you stabbed? Ah, who is not good to provoke, go provoke an angel! "

Xie Chen coughed, half-tested and half-excited, "Auraos, are you not the devil? What is a little angel? I can't even beat it!"

Olaos was obviously silent for a while, and he paused for a moment, "It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Although this world is a two-dimensional, the power and class are the same. As the apex power of this world, do you think it is vegetarian? Now it is estimated that the entire heavenly realm knows that the devil appeared and killed the angel. You are still carefree."

Are angels so powerful? Hit a small nest?

As if familiar with Xie Chen's mind, Olaos then said inexplicably, "When is my devil lord afraid of passing people?! If it's not... forget it, don't talk about it, Xie Chen boy, go and clean up. Clean up, we have to get out of here! Otherwise, it will be enough to drink a pot after being caught by the birdmen."

"There are demons in this world too?! The group of'birdmen' can really come down from the heavens? Then why don't they occupy the earth?" Xie Chen felt that Oraos was deliberately avoiding something. ..


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