Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 8 Chapter 66: Type a task

How can such an empty villa be decorated without these lively girls?

So he naturally suggested, "Since this is so spacious, why don't you choose one each!"

Misaka Mikoto's eyes lit up, and then he hesitated.

Tokiwadai’s school rules are still very strict, and they must be investigated even when they return late, let alone staying overnight?

"It doesn't matter if you choose, even if you just have time, you will be very happy if you come to live occasionally, right?" Xie Chen actually doesn't take Misaka Mikoto's concerns seriously. After all, as the principal, he just wants Girls live outside, so there is not so much trouble at all.

But Misaka Mikoto is actually a very stubborn girl, she doesn't open her mouth, and Xie Chen will not just go and put pressure on her.

"I want the largest and softest one!" Intiqus was trapped in the temptation of the sofa, and raised her hand softly.

"I, I can do whatever..." Kamijou Mai's face was slightly red.

These two had been with Xie Chen early in the morning. There was nothing unusual about this choice. The next thing to look at was the other girls.

"I want the one on the third floor by the window." Unexpectedly, Shen Li Huo Zhi broke the silence.

Dressed in a casual and unique dress, she casually held the sword, smiled at Xie Chen, and went straight upstairs to check the room of her choice.

Xie Chen chuckled softly and looked at the few people who were biting their lips and hesitating, as if seeing a lost lamb, whispering and seducing.

"It's just to book a room that you like. In case someone borrows it, I will give the room you like to someone else, that's not good~"

Misaka Mikoto and Yueyong Xiaomoe were visibly shaken.

Yue Yong Xiaomeng akimbo her hips and looks at Xie Chen seriously with an adult look, but under the influence of her elementary school appearance, she is still very cute anyway...

"Then I'll book the pink room on the second floor. No one is allowed to **** me, and you are not allowed to use my brains!"

She cautiously warned Xie Chen, then pulled up Jishen Qiusha, and went to the second floor, "Let’s go see it again!"

Qishen Qiusha, wearing a white and red witch costume, allowed Yueyong to move and quickly disappeared in the corner of the corridor.

Xie Chen smiled as he wished. Living under the same roof is a very intimate thing in itself. Maybe the girls live once a few days at first, but after a long time, who is sure about the future?

A soft little hand was stuffed into his hand.

"Then I will live here too, but Xie Chen will take me to go through the formalities!" Misaka Mikoto was a little guilty, and his amber eyes were stubborn.

Xie Chen rubbed Misaka Mikoto's head. The straightforward girl is really not used to using privileges!

"Well, let's go there together later."

Wearing a thin sweater and pleated skirt, Misaka Mikoto's face slowly rose with a flush, as if he had succeeded.

There is indeed a distance from the urban area of ​​College City, and Xie Chen took Misaka Mikoto directly to the Tokiwadai School District in an instant.

Tomorrow is the first day of school, so the school gate is quite lively, there are girls in school uniforms everywhere, and occasionally a few boys are mixed.

Xie Chen took Misaka Mikoto and walked directly to the school gate. Misaka Mikoto, who was originally more arrogant, subconsciously shrank his hands, but was clasped tightly by Xie Chen.

Xie Chen wore very rashly, just simply wearing a white T-shirt and light blue jeans, but his tall, thin and long, and handsome white always felt some mysterious temperament.

As soon as he appeared at the school gate, it caused a commotion.

"Wow! Who is he? Why haven't I seen it before!"

"Hey, why don't you even know about him? This is the honorary principal appointed by our Academy City Council. It's just a summer vacation, so you forgot?"

"I really want to date him. The principal is so young and handsome. I am willing to let him take a look at me!"

The female students just watched him, walking slowly and slowly, and gradually blocked at the school gate, but Xie Chen consciously divided a road in front of Xie Chen, letting Xie Chen take Misaka Mikoto through.

Suddenly, the more sane female student screamed, "Misaka Mikoto, he is in love with Misaka Mikoto!"

Huh, everyone's eyes suddenly shifted to the hands held by the two.

Mikoto Misaka who has been ignored, but with red cheeks, bears the malicious surroundings, and immediately presses her lips.

A short electric current was suddenly wrapped around the shoulder-length chestnut hair, clicking, clicking, and the amber eyes looked at the surrounding students with coldness.

Who doesn't know the name "Super Electromagnetic Gun" in Tokiwadai?

The crowd of onlookers swallowed their saliva. They had a tacit understanding, and they all took a step back.

"Misaka, let's go in!" Xie Chen always looked faint, and seemed to ignore all of this.

"Ah, ah... okay." The girl who was going to run away instantly burned her face and blushed like a fire, looking at a loss.

The guard is lifted!

There seemed to be a voice saying that, all the onlookers were relieved, but looked at Misaka Mikoto with a little surprise, such a little bird followed by a man.

Among the crowd who bet on their past gazes, a slightly gloomy gaze followed behind Xie Chen and Misaka Mikoto.

When Xie Chen turned his head back in a noticeable way, that look was fleeting.

"What's the matter?" Misaka Mikoto asked.

"It's nothing." Xie Chen curled his lips, with a calm look.

The attribute panel in his mind seemed to be moving, he looked at it calmly, and sure enough, as he expected.

Task A: Please protect Inticus from being abducted within 72 hours.

Xie Chen smiled interestingly. It seems that the mission arranged by Olaos this time is also really interesting. This activates Type A, what about the upward S?

The news of Xie Chen's entry into Tokiwadai was quickly reported to the school's senior management after entering the school gate.

So Misaka Mikoto stood alone outside the Academic Affairs Office and waited.



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