Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 5: Route selection

"Naruto, he may not be our enemy." Kakashi stopped him.

"But Teacher Kakashi, didn't you just say that this person is suspicious?"

"A suspicious person is not necessarily an enemy. If he is really Cardo's subordinate, then he can attack him directly with Nostalgic. Nostalgic entangles me, and you together are not his opponents."

Xie Chen nodded appreciatively: "That's right, if I really belong to Cardo, I don't have to make it so complicated."

"However, you'd better state your identity to avoid misunderstandings?" Kakashi did not relax because of this.

"I'm an exile ninja. It turns out that my village was uprooted by Otonin, so I can only take tasks everywhere to make a living. In the village on the island, someone told me that Konoha's ninja appeared here, so I came to try my luck ."

"Try your luck? Do you want to join Konoha Village?"

"My goal is to restore my village in the future, so I don't have any idea of ​​joining any ninja village for the time being, but I can cooperate with you in some aspects, as long as you can give a certain reward."

"Oh?" Of course Kakashi would not easily believe Xie Chen's statement, but as long as he is not an enemy, he can temporarily cooperate. As for his true details, he can continue to understand in the future.

Although Sasuke and Naruto were still not convinced, since Kakashi made the decision, they couldn't question it either.

"Hello, Mr. Xie Chen, my classmate just now was really rude."

Xie Chen's eyes lit up and saw a lovely girl in red with pink hair coming over and apologizing.

Of course she is Sakura. Although she hasn't fully grown up yet, she already has the appearance of a beautiful woman. In a few years, she will definitely be able to come out and complete her beautifully.

"Don't mind, I'm just a wandering forbearance. I often encounter such situations and I have long been used to it." Xie Chen said gracefully.

Of course you have to be gentle with your sister. Although she might still be obsessed with Sasuke now, she is already familiar with the work of "digging corners".

Sakura didn't think too much, after apologizing, chatted with Xie Chen for a few words, and went back to the group to receive special training from Kakashi.

After a day's work, Dazna warmly invited Xie Chen to return to the village with him. Of course Xie Chen couldn't ask for it.

"Wow ha ha ha! I have successfully practiced the special training given by Teacher Kakashi today. If I meet the two attacking ninjas, I will definitely beat them!"

Naruto walked into the house while talking big.

Xie Chen entered the village for the first time and looked curiously at the surrounding environment and people.

The virtuous young woman seemed to be Dazna's daughter. By the gate, a little demon in a hat was hiding half of his body behind the pillar and looking at them with a cold face.

"Huh! Don't speak big words there, how can you fight Cardo's men!"

Oh? Xie Chen looked at him curiously.

It is normal for the village to have pessimism towards a powerful villain like Cardo, but he really didn't want to know that one of them turned out to belong to the Dazna family, which seemed to belong to his grandson.

"Inari! Don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense! This kid is obviously not much older than me! He can have a lot of abilities, I have known these few days, he is not from our village, how do you know that Cardo is terrible, how do you know if we fail? What kind of disaster the village will face!"

"Inari, you are so unreasonable to say that!" Dazna's daughter quickly stood up and apologized for him.

"Hey! Inari." Xie Chen thought that this was just a child's momentary farce, and didn't take it to heart. Unexpectedly, Naruto strode to him, the expression on his face was very serious, no more usual Hehhhhhhh.

"I came here this time to perform missions for our village, not to play! I admit that I behaved poorly when facing Cardo's men on the road. But," Naruto sucked for a long time. He said as if he was declaring something, "As long as Naruto is there, I will never allow them to hurt anyone in the village!"

Inari seemed to be shocked by the way Naruto looked now, and stayed there for a long time without speaking.

"No matter how powerful people Cardo will send, this is my man's guarantee, I will do it!" Naruto sighed for a long time, seeming to have restored his "normal" state again, and jumped to the table in three or two steps. before.

And Inari seemed to be shocked, and did not get over there for a long time.

Xie Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head, feeling helpless towards Naruto's "manly declaration".

In his current state, he may not be able to fight and not cut, can this guy use his brain before speaking?

However, this is also the cutest part of Naruto.

Although Inari didn't yell again, he didn't know if he figured it out. He didn't show up again during the entire dinner time.

Naruto and Sasuke can still quarrel on any topic, but the two of them also enjoy it.

Xie Chen noticed that Kakashi had been looking at him nonchalantly, but he didn't care and fell into his own consideration.

One of the tasks I received was to break into Konoha Village.

And now although I have been with Kakashiban, this is only a temporary "cooperation". If you really want to get along with them, you still need to be able to handle the crisis of this mission smoothly.

Fortunately, as far as I know, there will be new actions if I don't cut it. Then I can naturally prove my sincerity and dispel the doubts of Kakashi and others.

But the other task is to take No More and White to his side.

Not to mention that he is very fond of Bai, even if he doesn't cut it again, to be honest, although he acts a little bit harder, but he has seen a lot of such characters before. In general, Taodi is definitely a man if he doesn't cut it!

If such a person can change his ending, or even drag him to his side, it will be a great help to his actions in Hokage.

But what should be done specifically! ..


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