Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 14: Conquer the red beans

"Don't make trouble! Don't think that if you succeed once, you are really his opponent! Go away!"

"If I could do it, what would you do?" Xie Chen's expression was extremely serious, and he didn't seem to be joking or being overpowered.

Hong Dou concealed his confusion and said "angry": "If you can really do it, then you can let me do anything. My life is yours!"

Xie Chen nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, what you want is your sentence! This should be Dashewan. Thank you for giving us the time to finish these words, now you can do it!"

Hong Dou looked at Xie Chen in surprise. He hadn't mentioned the identity of Da She Wan, how could he scream.

On the contrary, Dashewan did not feel weird. Seeing that Xie Chen and Hongdou were on the same side, I thought he had learned his own information from Konoha Village.

"Humph! The reason I let you finish it is only because it has no effect on me, because your ending is already destined!"

After Da She Wan finished speaking the last word, his big mouth suddenly opened huge, and a sharp knife stabbed Xie Chen at a speed that was almost indistinguishable by the naked eye.

"Quick shave!"

Xie Chen's figure disappeared in an instant, and in the next instant, he had appeared on the right side of Da She Wan, and at the same time he punched his face with all his strength and then blasted over.

The direction of the attack was exactly the same as that of the hit Oshemaru just now, which made it clear that this way was to humiliate Oshemaru.

"you wanna die!"

No matter how deep the city of Oshemaru was, he couldn't help being angry at this time.

Snake's tail swayed and wrapped around Xie Chen.

However, Xie Chen's instantaneous haircut did not give him a chance at all. Instead, let him shatter one of the giant trees!

"Huh! A coward who only knows to dodge and dare not fight head-on." Da She Maru commented disdainfully, turning his eyes to Hong Dou.

"Hehe, although you can escape by yourself, you seem to have forgotten that there is a partner of yours here. I want to see if you will die! Red bean, I was not willing to kill you, but now you Go and die!"

Da She Wan, who had failed several attacks on Xie Chen, suddenly changed the target of the attack and rushed towards Hong Dou.

Just as Hongdou was fully on guard, ready to fight the Dashewan attack and see if she could create a counterattack opportunity for Xie Chen - after these two fights, she finally had a trace of confidence in Xie Chen - a figure suddenly flashed across The front of the red bean.

"You idiot! What hero do you have at this time? Do you want to use your shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths!"

Red Bean is also the same as Da She Wan. From the previous fight, he thought Xie Chen was just good at speed.

Now he is no longer evasive and is really ready to fight with him like Da She Wan planned to make the red beans so angry.

On the contrary, Dashewan suddenly had an illusion after being overwhelmed. My plan seems to have succeeded too smoothly... But now that he has rushed in front of him, it is too late to change his tricks, and the huge body of the giant python shakes Xie Chen head-on!


The strength of LV3 was strengthened and launched, Xie Chen was not afraid to fight against the Dashewan.

The huge storm spread out around the two. At this time, most of the big trees that were already swaying to fall could not bear the violent wind and fell.

Hong Dou did not hear Xie Chen's screams, and a bad premonition rose in her heart. Could it be that Xie Chen could not even withstand the blow of Da She Wan and was directly beaten to death?

Trying to get rid of the smoke and dust, Hongdou looked at the center of her hand, but the situation in front of her almost shocked her chin!

Xie Chen stood there intact, but the huge body of Dashemaru was shocked back!

Could it be said that his power has surpassed the Oshe Maru?

Don't talk about her, even Oshemaru himself can't believe it: "This, this is absolutely impossible! Who are you on earth? How could a freak like you appear in Konoha Village!"

Just now he took the giant python as his main body. Although many powerful ninjutsu could not be used in this state, the impact was greater than that of his own attack.

However, even so, he was actually blocked by this kid, and even his whole body was trembling a little.

"I just said that, my name is Xie Chen, and I am not from Konoha Village! Oshemaru, did you want me to die just now? But I am still standing here. Don't let me. Disappointed."

Xie Chen smiled lightly, saying that he was not hurt at all in the blow just now.


O She Maru was not the violent woman of the Five Dynasties, and sheer strength was not his strong point at all. In this regard, O She Maru still didn't know if she could hold it down and not cut it. Most of his offensive skills are sealed, but his strength enhancements can still be used freely.

The attack just now was based on his own strength and his shortness in attacking the enemy. Oshe Maru completely miscalculated his own strength!

Of course, Xie Chen didn't completely lose his mind, and was still on guard.

Now in terms of overall strength, he still has a gap compared to Oshe Maru. As long as he uses the speed and the unpredictable ninjutsu, especially the most unpredictable reincarnation, and resurrects Konoha first and second generations, he will really have to escape.

Of course, that was the biggest reliance he had left to deal with the three generations of Hokage, and he would definitely not be willing to use it here.

"Go to hell." Although Da She Wan shouted frighteningly, he was already wary of Xie Chen and was afraid to attack with all his strength. Instead, he walked around him first to see if he could try out all his tricks. Surgery.

However, Xie Chen also saw through his intentions and moved his hands completely without scruples, as if his hole cards were "infinite".

In terms of true strength, although Oshe Maru can still hold down Xie Chen, it is by no means a simple matter for the two to decide the outcome. In the distance, Konoha's reinforcements finally arrived, and the Oshe Maru gave a cold snort, and could only let them go first, and then flew away.

"He, he actually ran away." Adzuki bean looked at the disappearing figure of Da She Wan, and it seemed that he couldn't accept this result now! ..


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