Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 27: Strong enemy who broke into the village

"Where did they enter the village from."

"The southwest direction seems to be heading towards the Uchiha clan's former position."

As soon as the ninja's voice in Anbu fell, Kakashi's face changed suddenly and disappeared instantly.

"Kakashi also had such an impatient time, it's really rare." Xie Chen smiled playfully. But his head turned fast.

At this time, what ninja would come to "visit" Konoha Village? It doesn't seem to have any impression.

"I'm afraid he is thinking of the identity of the visitor. Akai, you should also go take a look, Mr. Xie Chen, also trouble you."

Xie Chen nodded. Chased Kakashi with Akai.

When they arrived, they found that many Shangren who had heard the news had arrived here and had already fought each other.

Xie Chen first noticed the two people who had broken into the village. The headed man was a handsome man except for his gloomy expression.

The companions behind him are very weird, and they don't look like humans at first!

"Dried persimmon ghost shark!"

Although the distance is still far away, but no one behind him has recognized the identity of one of the opponents!

"This guy is a ghost?" Xie Chen was taken aback. Upon closer inspection, this guy's face did look a bit like a fish, and even though the big knife behind him was wrapped in a tangled white strip, it was a ghost. Isn’t the weapon shark muscle tucked like this?

"Why did these two people suddenly come to Konoha?" Now that they know that one of them is a ghost, the identity of the other is ready to come out.

Facing these two guys, even Xie Chen felt a little tricky.

It can be seen that the first Asma and Red have suffered a bit from their fight against them. Although Kakashi arrived in time, the whole person fell into a situation that almost made him irresistible just after he met Uchiha Itachi. In illusion!

"Kakashi!" Akay accelerated suddenly and pushed Kakashi away, making him look away from Itachi Uchiha while he was facing this terrifying enemy.

"It's really rude, it's rude to disturb other people's duels indiscriminately!" The ghost sneered with disdain, and didn't put Akai in his eyes at all. He waved his huge muscle to force him away and let Uchiha. Itachi continued to "learn" the Kakashi.

Suddenly, Guiyu felt a familiar and dangerous breath!


A big knife slashed at the position where the ghost shark stood just now. If he hadn't sensed the attacker's breath quickly, he would have suffered a big loss this time!

"Dry persimmon ghost shark! It's been a long time. You still make people disgusting at first sight!" No longer sneered and fell to the ground, gently pulling up his decapitation knife against his shoulders.

"It's you? Don't cut Taodi! Why are you here?" Guiyu showed a look of uncertainty. It wasn't that he was afraid of not being cut again, but because of his character and his current identity as a betrayal, how could he get mixed up with Konoha's ninjas?

"Unexpectedly, you still care about me so much. It really touches me, Guiyu, you said I should repay you well?"

The Seven Ninja Swords, who are also Wuyin, the closest way to get close to the ghost shark is to use the sword directly!

"Come out, since Taodi has already taken action without cutting it, do you still need to keep hiding?" In the face of Kai, who didn't even dare to look at his own eyes, Uchiha Itachi did not rush to attack, but calmly Looked at somewhere behind him.

Xie Chen smiled slightly, and an instant shave appeared beside A Kai: "I don't want to hide, but I've always been troublesome. Say your purpose, maybe we don't use swords and guns to each other."

There was a mocking expression on Uchiha Itachi's face: "It depends on you? I didn't know that Konoha Village has grown up to be such a big talker. Do you think you are better than Kakashi?"

"Probably a little better than him." Xie Chen did not humbly comment on him. "Akai, you protect Kakashi and step aside, let me see the Uchiha clan. The most proud Shalunyan!"

Xie Chen can only pick Uchiha Itachi now.

With Akai's strength, there is another Kakashi who has not recovered, and it will be very difficult to face him.

And on the other side, it was one of the Seven Ninja Swords who were both misty and hidden with Guiyu. But their strengths are not the same.

Xie Chen believed that when they had just made a name for themselves, the strength of not being cut was not under the ghosts, and even more powerful.

But the problem is that the ghost shark has the ability to devour other people's chakras!

In other words, the longer the time, the more amazing his strength. And no matter how fast the strength of not cutting is improved, it is impossible to compare with the way of improving the strength of the ghost shark by devouring the chakra of others!

Therefore, if you want to block the ghost shark, you still need the help of Akai's strength if you don't kill it!

"Bullish guy. Over the years, you know how many famous ninjas have said the same big things as you, but what happened to them in the end?"

"They are them and I am me. And, I don't remember Uchiha Itachi who is so talkative."

"That's it, make you perfect!" Uchiha Itachi slowly raised his eyes. In an instant, Xie Chen felt a strange power fluctuation!

What a powerful force!

Xie Chen calmly weighed the pupil power of Uchiha's clan, and felt a trace of "rule force" from it!

This is not to say that Uchiha Itachi's strength has touched the power of the rules of the world, but that the ability to write round eyes is probably related to the origin of the Naruto world in a certain direction.

If this ability is raised to the limit, then it is possible to use the power of the world's rules.

A chakra wanted to penetrate Xie Chen's head, but a sword light flashed, and the power of these invisible chakras was completely cut off, unable to affect Xie Chen!

"You can actually feel the original illusion Chakra?" Uchiha Itachi was also taken aback by Xie Chen's performance. The illusion he was most proud of had not even affected this strange enemy. He broke! ..


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