Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 42: Junmaro

The stout man was about to rush out diagonally to stop everyone, but suddenly, he realized that his body could no longer move!

"What kind of ninjutsu is this!" The man looked at the shadow that suddenly appeared under his feet in shock and anger, but he didn't know how to respond.

"You don't need to care about this. You just need to know that this time you ran into our pig, deer and butterfly trio, even if you are unlucky! Go!"

"I feel that there is a strong chakra fluctuation coming from behind. It seems that the fight is very intense." He commented lightly, if he had objections to Xie Chen's arrangement, but found that Shikamaru and the three of them shot at the same time. There was such a big movement unexpectedly, and it seemed that he couldn't hold the opponent for a while. Everyone took Xie Chen's consciousness seriously.

Although some people still don't agree that he is not a Konoha Ninja, no matter how they say it, it is the person who has caused the big snake pill to suffer a big loss. Whether it is strength or vision, it is absolutely first-rate.

"Ning Ci, you go to the right with Xiao Li. I sensed a strong chakra fluctuation there! Note that the opponent must be very good at forest warfare. He is very good at hiding himself in such an environment." After a while, Xie Chen ordered again.

"Mr. Xie Chen, will there be too many people in this way?" Naruto finally couldn't help but ask, "After all, we still don't know how many people are waiting to intercept us. All the personnel are allocated. I am afraid that when we encounter the enemies behind, our manpower will not be enough!"

"Don't worry, Dashemaru also lost a lot of subordinates in the last war, and his method of absorbing powerful subordinates is weaker than ours. It is impossible for too many powerful characters to run out to stop us. Go ahead at full speed!"


Naruto also agrees with Xie Chen's analysis.

If Oshemaru is really strong to this level, then just take advantage of the fact that many Shangnin leave the village to launch a frontal attack on them. Why just take Sasuke away?

And most importantly, Oshe Maru himself was seriously injured, and it was impossible for him to come here himself.

"Naruto, we will stop all the enemies later, but the last part of the road is likely to be left on your own. If Sasuke really intends to defect, then we will not be able to convince him to come back even if we catch him. Yes. Only you and him are more compatible, try to convince him to come back." Xie Chen sighed secretly.

Others didn't know, but he knew very well that Sasuke's departure from the village this time was not only influenced by his brother, but more importantly, he was stimulated by Naruto's strength improvement. The power of his new ninjutsu is by no means under Rachel.

Once Sasuke's poor pride is planted with a demon, even if they force him back, he will still defect when there is a chance in the future.

Instead of this, it's better to give Naruto a chance to see if he can convince him.

This operation, Dashe Maru, must have been planned for a very long time, countless subordinates were arranged on this road, and now Xie Chen has dispatched most of the original subordinates.

Fortunately, Gaara and the others have come to support, so Xie Chen will not immediately feel the tension of the staff at hand.

"As long as I am here, you don't want to go over!"

A faint flute sounded, and Xie Chen immediately guessed the identity of the other party: "Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, you are responsible for dealing with this ninja, Temari, you have to cheer."

Gaara and Kankuro already know what Temari is learning from Xie Chen recently, so I don’t have any thoughts about Xie Chen’s claim that Temari is particularly concerned about Temari.

Temari was stunned. She knew that Xie Chen would never talk more nonsense. Especially now that such an important task is still being carried out, that's why Lord Xie Chen wanted to point out. And the biggest element of whether this battle can be won, maybe it is oneself!

"Wow! Sister Temari is so handsome, but Master Xie Chen, even she has Kankuro and Gaara as companions. How can I be able to match them with my strength? Mr. Xie Chen, would you make arrangements for me? What about a more suitable opponent?"

Now that it's such a point, how could Xie Chen give her room for remorse, exhausted all the rhetoric, and then stabilized her.

After a while, Hinata Ma could more clearly sense the pain caused by this chakra.

"Hinata, you have to work hard. This enemy is not an ordinary strong, and he may have some means to specifically restrain your eyes from rolling!"

"Strong strength... and can you restrain your eyes?" Hinata was shocked. If he said that he didn't even use the final means and couldn't exert the power of the eyes, then this time, he really is. There is no chance of winning!

"Hehe, my statement may have been exaggerated, but he does have a chance to catch your white-eyed defensive loophole and hurt you, so use your head."

Xie Chen "raised a point" irresponsibly, and then asked Hinata to go over and block the blocking person.

"Now everyone has shown up, Junmaro, you should be the ninja guarding the best level! Let me see what is going on with your ninjutsu!"


As I was thinking about it, two slender snake-like spurs came out of Xie Chen's back suddenly!

"Cut, I have always looked at you high, thinking you would not do such shameful deeds. I didn't expect you to think you wouldn't die, so you even used this method to stimulate me."

"Oh?" A young man with a pale face and no blood seemed to be able to feel the blood came out, "It seems that you already know who I am? Unexpectedly, someone has collected so much information about Oshemaru!"

With incomparable indifference on his face, it seems that the enemy he faces this time can be anyone, and he can defeat it!

"Kimmaro, he is good at manipulating his own bones. You can transform it to be harder than steel and break the enemy with it! What, am I right?"

Junmaro showed a serious look on his face, realizing that he might have encountered a terrible enemy this time! ..


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