Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 53: Deidara and the Scorpion

"What's going on? Did we just fight these two puppets?"

Seeing the other side of the battlefield where the battle is also resolved, the ghost shark's "corpse" has also turned into a puppet, Naruto asked puzzled.

"It's a kind of advanced ninjutsu. This is not an ordinary puppet, but someone instills a large amount of chakra into them. This can avoid our perception, and can imitate one's own ninjutsu and power."

"Damn, I didn't expect these people to play us like monkeys!"

"Hehe, Naruto, don't get excited. Although we didn't beat them this time, it also shows that they are not far from here. Kakashi, how is your chakra consumption? Let's not delay too much time, we must To find Gaara's position as soon as possible."

Kakashi shook his head and said: "Don't worry, our chakra consumption is within the acceptable range, don't worry, let's go directly!"

Summon his own "Police Canine Force" again. There are more puppets this time to make it easier for them to find the right target.

"Asshole!" The reinforcements Konoha sent this time were so powerful! How to stop them now!

In a certain cave, several ninjas standing side by side in Furuo's hands also sensed the situation outside.

"Hmph, this time it's Itachi and Ghost Shark who are conserving their strength. If they rush up to block each other with their deities now, I don't believe they can break through so quickly!"

One of the members clearly expressed dissatisfaction with Itachi and Ghost Shark.

It shows that within the Akatsuki organization, it is actually not monolithic, and everyone has mutual grievances and contradictions.

"Well, now is not the time to say such things, they haven't seen you to speak before the action! We must now make a judgment, whether we should continue to absorb the Chakra of Shouhe!"

"Of course we must continue, otherwise, wouldn't Deidara and I have been busy for nothing? Humph, it's just a few boys, we can easily destroy them all with our strength!"

"I don't agree. Don't forget that our actions are just beginning. We must never fully expose our strength!"


Both of them have their own opinions.

On the surface, their strength is superior, and as long as they drag them for a while, they can succeed.


"Everyone prepares, we start to withdraw the formation!"

"This, why!"

"Just now it makes sense. If we expose all our strengths and goals now, even if we can wipe out Konoha's ninjas, other villages and their tail beasts will definitely be more vigilant and will no longer Let us easily succeed, it will be detrimental to our plan!"

The Scorpion and Deidara who brought Gaara back in the execution are of course very dissatisfied, but this is everyone's final proposition, and their opinions cannot reverse the results of others. "Fine! This time it’s a cheap kid. Anyway, after they pass the most vigilant period, we will catch him again."

Although Deidara took some effort on his mission this time, he still captured the leader of a big ninja village. This kind of achievement still made him very proud, and by the way, he didn't pay attention to others at all.

"Huh, but this thing can't just end like this! You can withdraw first, I want to teach them some lessons here!"

"What? Scorpion, are you trying to violate our collective decision? We must not let them be more vigilant at the beginning of our plan!"

"I didn't say that we should fully expose our strength. Only if I am here, how much strength can be exposed? Anyway, Dedara and I had already appeared when Gaara was caught!" Scorpion calmly defended himself. Tao.

As soon as Deidara heard this, "If this is the case, then I would like to teach them with Brother Scorpion. Huh, they are just a few boys sent by Konoha. They were hurt like Shayin. , Shayin is so vulnerable, I don't believe Konoha's people can be strong!"

"Then let you go, remember, don't delay our business due to emotions!"

I can hear that other people are still very dissatisfied with their two decisions.

Although Akatsuki also has certain rules, because the strength of each member is very strong, they belong to the rebels of each ninja village, and they broke out an amazing storm, and everyone’s ideas are not exactly the same, so they are still given to everyone. Degrees of freedom.

"Absolutely, you pass our decision to Itachi and Guiyu, it's up to them to decide whether to leave or not!"

The last sentence also brought some anger. It seems that this old man is also dissatisfied with the loss of Itachi and Guiyu to Xie Chen and others so quickly.

Others did not express much.

After all, they are all people who have gone through all kinds of big winds and waves, and everyone's city is full of people who can't see the bottom. Without saying anything, the Ten Tails are taken back into the space and quickly dispersed.


A figure man appeared at the entrance of the cave, and Naruto rushed in ahead of everyone.

"You two, what happened to Gaara!"

"I really don't know where this uneducated person came out! A vulgar person who doesn't even understand the beauty of silence!"

"Big Brother Scorpion is right! How can a kid like this know real art? Big Brother Scorpion, let me teach him first!"

"By the way, teach the people behind him together. What I am really interested in is who of you really defeated Itachi and Guiyu. The surveillance puppet I left outside told me that the two of them failed. It was all after a certain Chakra with the same characteristics broke out. I really didn't expect such a master among Konoha."

"Now, it seems that it is not the time for you to choose your opponent."

At this moment, an old voice sounded.

Grandma Qiandai walked firmly into the cave, her gaze was directly fixed on the body of the scorpion.

"My dear grandson, grandma really misses you!"..


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