Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 65: Naruto's mutation

"I really didn't expect you to come to die. Poor people, all become specimens for my research!"

During this period of time, as Da She Wan's body has not recovered, the condition of the replacement body he has found is getting worse. Almost all his hopes were concentrated on Sasuke.

But as time progressed, just when he was about to undergo replacement surgery, he did not expect the ninja from Konoha Village to kill him!

Da She Maru also had to be suspicious, because they found their place by accident, or someone betrayed themselves and deliberately attracted them.

But in any case, even if they found out here, they would never let them succeed. If he loses Sasuke's body, his later days will be very miserable!

"Stop the chaos!"

Da She Maru saw that his several raids had no effect, suddenly spread his hands, and released countless small snakes to attack them.

"Oshemaru! Hand over Sasuke!" Naruto immediately used the shadow avatar technique to transform one thousand.

No matter how many snakes there are in Oshemaru, there are not necessarily more shadow clones than Naruto.

And his real entity gathered the vortex pill and rushed forward from the back to the Oshe pill!

"Blade of killing intent!"

Da She Maru saw that the people around him had returned to normal and began to attack himself, so he immediately trapped them with a group attack!

Everyone was staring at Oshe Maru, but at this moment, there seemed to be hallucinations.

In Dashemaru's eyes, they all seemed to see a seemingly non-existent sword being held by Dashemaru across their neck, directly inserted into everyone's neck.

They knew it was just an illusion, but they couldn't help but get stuck in it and couldn't get back to reality!


Kakashi's writing round was lucky, and he was the first to emerge from the "phantom", and immediately attacked the Osha Maru to relieve the pressure of Naruto and others.

"Hehe, Kakashi, you still don't grow for so long!" Of course, Oshemaru would not be so stupid to face Kakashi's ninjutsu, and his body turned lightly to avoid his attack.

However, even if he did not continue to maintain this technique, the others did not get out of the illusion immediately. It can be seen that the technique of Dashewan is terrible!

"Ms. Kakashi, we are here to support you!"

Ino, Hinata and others rushed over from the other side.

Although there are quite a few Oshe Maru subordinates there, no one is really strong enough to threaten them.

Therefore, after a few people blocked the line of defense over there, other companions were assigned to support.

"Mind fluctuation!"

Ino knew that Hinata and others had exerted a very strong strength in their actions before, and this time she did not show weakness, and as soon as she rushed over, she directly attacked Oshemaru with her mental power.

"A woman who does not live or die!" At this time, Oshemaru was trapping everyone's mind with killing intent. Of course, he was very vulnerable to Ino's mental shock, making him unable to control so many people.

With the killing intent in his eyes, the Oshe Maru suddenly turned into a big snake, knocking away Kakashi who wanted to attack again, and rushed towards Ino directly!

"White eyes! Gossip Spirit Gathering Technique!"

The impact of Dashemaru is the best target for Hinata. Immediately trap him with the spirit gathering technique.

Kakashi and Naruto would not let go of such an opportunity, and attacked him with Uzumaki Maru and Rachel at the same time.

However, with a blast, the big snake was just a clone.

The real Osna Maru has deceived Ino's back, and the long blade in his hand pierced the back of Ino's neck!


Suddenly, Oshe Maru felt that his movements were affected.

Turning his head to look, he saw the seal in Shikamaru's hand, remaining still in a static state.

"Haha, did it turn out to be shadow control? I didn't expect the people in your family to die!" Oshemaru gave a cruel smile, "It's better to let me fulfill you this time and let your family's ninjutsu Extinct your hands!"

"Evil snake!"

Oshemaru's body became extremely slender, turning into a spirit snake again and his speed was very fast this time, and neither Kakashi nor Naruto could stop him!

"Deadly wrapped around the snake!"

Adzuki hurriedly summoned three very slender snakes and rushed to entangle with Dashewan.

But Da She Maru thinks that he has the deepest knowledge of the strength of the red bean, and he does not evade at all, and wants to directly smash the small snakes of the red bean with his powerful strength.

But when they were really entangled together, Dashemaru discovered that this proud student, although Chakra was far behind him, was really improving.

With all his strength, he was shocked that he didn't kill the serpent sent by her! Instead, she was holding back her time!

"Red beans! Do you dare!"

"What do you think I dare not? Dashemaru, don't forget that you are my enemy now!" Hongdou has already passed the thoughts Xie Chen instilled in her, and now he will not disturb her thoughts by his few words. .

While talking, the speed of the seal on Hongdou's hand was not delayed at all.

Countless small snakes gathered from the rock and soil, and directly rushed to the path of the big snake incarnation of the big snake pill, and entangled with him desperately.

Even if the strength of Da She Wan is still higher than that of Red Bean, the Red Bean that has undergone Xie Chen's most rigorous training is not something he can get rid of in a moment!

"Oshe Maru! Suffer to death!"

Seeing so many of them, Naruto hadn't been able to get the Oshe Maru after performing ninjutsu, but he seemed to have the initiative.

The anger in the heart, coupled with the hatred for being unable to hold the Oshe Maru, caused Naruto's Chakra to change!

"What is this unknown feeling? Naruto?"

Kakashi blocked the path of Oshemaru's impact on Ino and others, and suddenly felt an unknown chakra. When he looked up, he just saw Naruto's body appearing as a monster, and behind Naruto. Four demon fox tails have been formed! ..


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